Shay Mitchell Hits Back At Mommy Shamers Who Criticized Her For Partying

Shay Mitchell hits back at mommy shamers who criticized her for seemingly going to a party days after giving birth
Shay Mitchell just gave birth to her first child, a girl, and has been earnestly documenting her maternity journey online. Mitchell hasn’t revealed her daughter’s birth date, but based on her various vlog entries all summer, it’s likely that she gave birth sometime in September. Mitchell finally announced the arrival of her daughter on Instagram on October 20, 2019, sharing a photo of a little hand with the caption, “Never letting go…” On October 22, 2019, Mitchell and her boyfriend, Matte Babel, posted some videos from Drake’s birthday party, and the internet lost its damn mind.
“I haven’t been really checking my comments that often, but apparently people are really upset that I left three days after having a kid to go out and party,” Mitchell sarcastically lamented on Instagram stories on October 29, 2019, while scrolling through comments shaming her for partying after the birth of her daughter.
“Mother of the year award right here!!!!” wrote one shady commenter. “As if you seriously could leave your baby to go party?!!! I hope the child’s aid look into this and your abilities to be a good parent cause damn!!! Lacking some serious skills there sweety! #selfish.”
“So you literally just had her and you’re more worried about clubbing with Drake?” said another.
The commenters were up in arms that Mitchell appeared to be partying so soon after giving birth, with one writing, “Disgusting…leaving your newborn only days after her birth,” to which Mitchell responded, “Days? Lol honey, just because I posted on that day doesn’t mean she was born on that day.”
Like we mentioned above, based on Mitchell and her partner’s various comments in past YouTube vlogs, she probably gave birth in September 2019, but even if she birthed a child and then went to a party three days later, that’s her prerogative!
As for the supposedly offensive party pic, Mitchell and Babel looked awesome and seemed to be having the time of their life at Drake’s birthday bash.
Instagram/Shay Mitchell
The most insane thing about this whole debacle is that Mitchell shared the Drake party pics on her Instagram Stories. So that means that people watched her Instagram Stories, got mad, went to her Instagram page, scrolled to her birth announcement post, and then left the salty comments there. The hoops that these mommy shamers will go through to shame is just, wild.
Luckily, the majority of the comments on Mitchell’s birth announcement were sweet and congratulatory and that is all that matters.