
'The Simpsons' Predicted Daenerys' Fiery Plot Twist 2 Years Ago

by Valerie Williams
Originally Published: 

The Simpsons saw that crazy Daenerys plot twist years before we did

If you have yet to watch the most recent episode of Game of Thrones (which, why are you even on the internet right now?) be warned that things are about to get very dark and full of spoilers. In the penultimate episode of the insanely popular HBO series which aired this past Sunday, beloved character Daenerys Targaryen goes a little ham on the entire population of King’s Landing.

As Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, First of Her Name, the Unburnt, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains, and Mother of Dragons (and apparently the Incredibly Pissed Off) laid waste to the buildings and townspeople in the land overseen by Queen Cersei, those who avidly watched another super popular show noticed something.

This was foreseen long ago. By none other than the geniuses who write The Simpsons.

Like, it’s pretty hard to deny the parallels.


You can watch the clip here if you’re not convinced.

Yup. In the first episode of season 29, which was a Thrones spoof titled “The Serfsons,” Homer assists a dragon that’s just burnt the hell out of a whole town full of innocent people. Much like another fictional dragon we know.


The Simpsons episode also included a Three-Eyed Raven and a Night King, but that fiery scene is what’s gathering internet attention in the days after Thrones fans saw the Queen of Dragons completely lose her shit on the innocent people of King’s Landing.

People were, understandably, shooketh by how long ago The Simpsons saw this coming.

But to go even a step freakier, this is not the first time The Simpsons predicted a major pop culture thing. Depressingly, they also saw the terrifying and (we thought?) extremely unlikely rise of President Donald Trump long before the rest of us — literally 20 years ago. And back in 2012, they predicted Lady Gaga’s 2017 Super Bowl performance. Why do they know everything? This is freaking us out.

As Thrones fans continue to reel from the fallout of episode five and brace themselves for whatever’s coming in the series finale this weekend, it’s kind of funny to see that someone else saw this wild twist coming long ago. Many avid watchers of the HBO series are clearly stunned that Dany did King’s Landing so dirty, while others are gleefully pointing out that she’s never made a mystery of her deadly goals and murderous desire for power. Whatever your stance, it’s undeniably creepy and entertaining to see that the dye was cast long ago.

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