Starbucks Just Released Their 2017 Holiday Cups And Drinks

Starbucks is asking customers to help design their own cups this year
Halloween ended approximately 14 seconds ago, so now, it’s time for Christmas. Or at least it is at our favorite seller of pricey java.
That’s right, you guys. Starbucks has unveiled its seasonal menu and the all-important holiday cup for 2017.
In years past, the Starbucks holiday cup design has drummed up outrage no beverage receptacle really deserves. People get extremely worked up over whether or not the cup’s imagery appropriately worships Jesus, because as we all know, there’s a war on Christmas. Except there isn’t, that’s a bunch of ridiculous nonsense.
The cup features a bunch of nifty black line drawings of winter symbols including doves, Christmas trees, sweatered arms, ornaments, gifts, Christmas cards, and mugs of hot cocoa. They made sure to include something for everyone.
“What makes your season special is what we want to know. Decorate your cup – and help the spirit grow,” the caption reads.
Along with the cups, today is also the start of their holiday drink offerings which includes seasonal favorites such as, chestnut praline latte, caramel brulée latte, gingerbread latte, eggnog latte, and my personal fave, peppermint mocha.
Image via Joshua Trujillo/ Starbucks
This year’s design is somewhat austere — and that’s the idea. Starbucks is encouraging customers to color it in however they want.
Basically, it looks like Starbucks got halfway through painstakingly designing their new cup and said, “fuck it — how about you just color it in yourselves, assholes.” We can’t blame them for being fed up, as their holiday cup has been a lightning rod for controversy in recent years.
Yikes. Some very strong feelings here over a cup. Their “Christian” is shining through.
This time, it looks like the purveyor of $5 lattes nailed it, because no one’s on Twitter telling them to go fuck themselves or calling them disgusting libs. They’ve included enough hardcore Christmas imagery to keep the naysayers quiet. Or maybe since this year has been an absolute trash fire people are finally coming to their senses and saving their social media outrage for something that matters?
LOL just kidding. That literally won’t ever happen, but at least this year, there will be peace at Starbucks.
This article was originally published on