
Why You Need To Stop Giving Folks A Hard Time For Being Late

by Katie Bingham-Smith
Originally Published: 

Do you find yourself constantly running late and beating yourself up, apologizing, explaining yourself yet you keep doing it and are a pretty happy individual despite this “flaw?”

Sometimes it feels like no matter how much time I prepare, I am always a few minutes late. While some think this is rude and taking advantage of other people’s time, it’s never intentional. Most people believe they will be on time but, for some reason, it just doesn’t happen.

Hold up because I’ve got some great news: Being late has a huge benefit, as in you may live a longer and more fulfilling life. Science says so.

So there.

I’m all about the longer, more productive life. If being late is all it takes, sign me up.

The reason? People who are late are generally less stressed and uptight. And we all know stress isn’t good for our overall health, so if you are more laid back and not constantly racing against the clock, maybe you are the one winning.

If you are often arriving late, you probably thought you had more time to fit it all in than you really did, which is definitely my problem.

I think, Sure, I can stop at the store and pick up one last appetizer and those earrings I’ve been dying to get. Oh, I’ll get a pair for my friend, too. I’ll be fast and able to make it to the party on time bearing gifts and extra food — it’ll be great.

But I forget to consider lines or traffic or that the grocery store may be out of smoked Gouda cheese and I’ll have to take a few moments to decide between Havarti or a soft brie. And if I get the brie, should I get some cranberry relish to top it with?

Science says this is because I’m always looking on the bright side and not getting stressed out because things may go wrong. As far as I’m concerned, I am living the dream where there won’t be any snafus and I’ll be able to fit it all in and won’t it be so much fun?

Researchers at Harvard Medical School say, “An optimistic outlook early in life can predict better health and a lower rate of death during follow-up periods of 15-40 years.”

If that doesn’t sound healthy (and a good reason to be late), I don’t know what does. In fact, maybe we should all start being late a bit more often and add some quality years to our lives.

Parents also suggests being late simply means you are passionate — perhaps you got distracted by a knitting project, or were having an intense conversation with your best friend on the phone, or truly believe you have time to fold and put away the laundry so when you get home from the meeting you can actually relax and be done with all the chores of the day.

Many role models, like Oprah Winfrey and Steve Jobs, believe the secret to success is having passion in your life and I couldn’t agree more.

So perhaps we could go as far as saying people who are late aren’t only happier, they are more successful and passionate, and will live longer? Yeah, let’s say that.

Whatever the reason you choose to be late, these all sound like legit reasons, after all our health and quality of life depends on it.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m late for an appointment. Natch.

This article was originally published on