The Beauty And The Beast Trailer Is Here And It's Perfection

The Beauty and the Beast trailer is hereeeeeeee
After months of teasing us with images and clips, Disney has finally released a trailer for its upcoming live action version of Beauty and the Beast, starring Emma Watson.
Last week we finally got a glimpse of some photos — which were freaking amazing.
And Disney has been teasing us with glimpses for what feels like an eternity.
The movie doesn’t hit theaters until March 2017 — a fact that has the internet screaming WHYYYYY? Would this not be the perfect Christmas night movie? The world wants to see this, Disney. Emma Watson posted the trailer to her Facebook page today, and its been viewed over nine million times in four hours.
Here it is:
Tale as old as time… Sorry. We can’t help ourselves.
Yup. March 2017. Dammit.
This article was originally published on