This Little Mermaid Pool Party Collection Is A Summertime Dream Come True

This Little Mermaid pool party collection has everything you need this summer
Are you a fan of The Little Mermaid? Actually, it doesn’t really matter — this adorable line of pool party must-haves is drool-worthy whether you spent every recess period in second grade belting out “Part of Your World” from the tops of playground equipment (ahem — *slowly raises hand*) or not. Get ready to go freaking broke, no regrets.
The line is through Disney in partnership with Oh My Disney, an official fan site, which totally fits, because I’m fan-girling very hard over basically every single item.
Get ready to spend all summer rolling up to the edge of the pool for drink refills in this magical Sebastian float.
Image via Oh My Disney
Obviously when swim time is over, all lovely mermaids need these sparkly slides to keep their feet safe from sharp clam shells.
Image via Oh My Disney
And what pool party is complete without appropriately summery music blasting from this adorable Bluetooth speaker? You guys, it lights up.
Image via Oh My Disney
Is there any other acceptable way of drying off your human body parts than with this perfect mermaid tail towel?
Image via Oh My Disney
After the pool party, what all bright young women sick of swimmin’ ready to staaaaaand (sorry) need are these amazing mermaid tail leggings.
Image via Oh My Disney
And what better to carry all your mermaid gear than this Ariel tote?
Image via Oh My Disney
But if a sweet, red-headed, vocally talented mermaid isn’t really what speaks to your soul, there’s something for you too with this Ursula hoodie.
Image via Oh My Disney
Of course you’re going to need pool day pics for the ‘Gram whether you’re an Ariel or an Ursula, so better add this waterproof phone holder to your cart.
Image via Oh My Disney
Because you’ll definitely want to take 73 selfies while wearing this freaking precious tie-waist tank top.
Image via Oh My Disney
And in the spirit of saving the best for last, behold: the only drink koozies you’ll ever need.
Image via Oh My Disney
OK, now that you’re all out of money, sit by the pool and enjoy the goods.