
The New 'Beauty and The Beast' Doll Looks Like Justin Bieber In A Dress

by Maria Guido
Image via Getty Images/ Twitter

The new ‘Beauty and The Beast’ doll is cracking up the entire internet

The new Beauty and The Beast doll has been released, and the internet is having a field day. Why? Because for some reason, Belle looks… off. It’s kind of inexplicable. You just have to see her.

The thing is, the doll does kind of look like Emma Watson, but in a bizarro parallel universe kind of way.

Then there’s this fairly observant tweet:

Twitter was quick to point out that the doll bears a closer resemblance to another young star.

Emma Watson is gorgeous. Disney is great at making dolls. Not really sure how this happened. It’s like they took her face a little too literally, and apparently the literal version of Emma Watson’s face = Justin Bieber. Never even noticed they looked alike until now. Maybe they don’t?

Image via Getty/ ET Instagram

Whatever. There’s no denying that this doll looks like Justin Bieber in a yellow gown. There just isn’t.