
3 Tips To Not Dread Potty Training

by Maria Guido
MIA Studio / Shutterstock

As a parent, “fun” may be the last word you associate with potty training. But there’s really nothing to dread. The stress you put upon yourself to make sure your child is potty trained in time for preschool/babysitters/your own personal deadline, may be wearing on you. Relax, and try to remember that this is a big milestone for your child. You’ll both get through it.

There are a few ways to make potty training fun for you and your kid. A few little steps can get them excited to use the potty, and relieve some of your stress, too.

Use those sticker charts!

Okay, you may be thinking that this isn’t a new or groundbreaking idea. But the reason these always come up is because they work! Kids love stickers, and they love having their achievements recognized. A sticker chart on the wall and a set of some of your child’s favorite stickers goes a long way. And guess what? You aren’t limited to the wall. Let your kids decorate the top of the toilet with a sticker or two when they’re done. Or simply give the sticker to them so they can wear it themselves. Whatever floats your kid’s boat — and gets them excited about using the potty.

Get crafty

Pull-Ups has some great ideas for getting your kids excited about potty training, and this is a favorite. Make a little treasure chest for your child to keep in the bathroom, with items they can only use while they’re on the potty. It doesn’t have to be Pinterest-worthy — and old shoebox covered in construction paper with a few stickers on it will do. Fill the box with some inexpensive treats that your kid is sure to love: small books, dollar store toys, finger puppets, or little musical instruments. If there is something for your child to be excited about in the bathroom, it will take some pressure off them — and you.

Make it fun

Sometimes the pressure we put on ourselves to get our kids potty trained can really drain the mood. Kids love fun, levity, and excitement. What better way to get your kid excited about using the bathroom, than to make a little party happen when they’re done? A quick goofy dance, an enthusiastic high-five, or maybe even your child’s own favorite song blaring through the house when they’re done. It may sound silly, but if your kid associates “fun” with “potty” she may be actually pumped up to go in there and get her business done.

Can you tell there’s a theme here? Have some fun with your child while they are going through this milestone. They’re only young once, so give yourself and your child a break by approaching this with some fun ideas. You don’t have to dread potty training — and your child doesn’t either. A small effort to make it a little bit exciting for your child can go a long way.

This post was sponsored by Pull-Ups Training Pants. We know potty training can sound daunting to parents, but why not make it fun? Visit for tips and tricks to make the journey fun and exciting for both parents and children.