Mom Shares Shocking Photos Of Toddler’s Reaction To Dollar Store Makeup Kit

A toddler had a severe allergic reaction to a dollar store makeup kit made for kids
Illinois parents Tony and Kylie Cravens didn’t think a toy makeup kit purchased at their local Family Dollar would mean a severe allergic reaction, but that’s exactly what happened to their three-year-old daughter Lydia after putting the makeup on her face.
In a now-viral Facebook post, the parents tell their story in hopes of alerting other parents to the dangers of cheap makeup made for kids.
Kylie writes, “I’m making this post because I feel like it is very important to remind parents to be very careful about what we allow our children to have.” She explains that what happened to Lydia has them vowing to be “more cautious about acknowledging ingredients and educating ourselves on what is good and bad before purchasing from here on out.”
And with good reason.
She shares that they purchased the kit thinking it was “harmless…non-toxic,” a kids’ kit like ones they had purchased for their daughter before. Kylie says that Lydia spent a day applying the makeup to her eyes and lips without realizing that six different chemicals in the products could cause a serious reaction — and her child was unfortunately one of the people allergic to those ingredients.
The parents ended up taking their daughter to the hospital. “In 24 hours our little girl went from 100% healthy to her eyes swollen and blistered shut.. with a rash all over her body that we would have to apply cold packs to every 30 minutes or so because her skin was burning.” In addition to the pain from the blistering, Lydia was unable to eat much because of the cracking on her lips, and the reaction resulted in several days of discomfort for the toddler. Tony tells PEOPLE that it was doctors who determined their daughter experienced an allergic reaction to the makeup.
The Cravens end their post with a plea to other parents — so their kids don’t go through the pain their daughter experienced. “PLEASE be aware of what you are letting your babies have… ESPECIALLY kids cosmetics…. so this doesn’t happen to your child.”
It’s so easy to think a product geared toward children would be harmless, but their post is an excellent reminder of the chemicals that might be present in cheap makeup kits. Stores like Claire’s have been called out recently for asbestos found in their makeup, so it’s not just a dollar store problem. The Cravens’ story reminds us that we need to read the ingredients and be aware of what our children are putting on their skin — even if it claims to be “for kids,” that doesn’t automatically equal safe.
Thankfully, the family shares that Lydia is doing much better since her trip to the hospital.
“Lydia is doing great,” they write. “We have had big improvements in the last 24 hrs. Still has some itching but the burning is gone. Hives are still on her face and neck but those to are starting to fade. SHE IS SMILING AGAIN.”
This article was originally published on