Trevor Noah Rips Into 'Dumba**' Disney World Park-Goers

Trevor Noah doesn’t mince words when it comes to tourists who visit Disney World amid the coronavirus pandemic
As Florida’s coronavirus case numbers soar (a new one-day high of over 15,000 positives was recorded earlier this week) it’s hard to understand why people would flock to the state for any reason, let alone to visit a theme park. And yet, Disney World is now open to visitors and the visitors are definitely showing up. The Daily Show host Trevor Noah noticed — and he’s calling it out.
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Noah took the park’s social distancing announcement reminding visitors to wear face coverings and social distance and reworded it to reflect what a lot of people are thinking. “Basically what we’re saying is: Why are you at Disney World, dumbass?” he quips.
I mean. It’s a fair question. Of all times to visit a place full of other humans, (even if they are limiting capacity it’s still a lot of exposure during a pandemic spread via respiratory droplets) why now? Is a trip to Disney World really so essential that park-goers are fine with actually risking their families’ health and lives to make it happen? Can they not just wait until next year when life is hopefully a little more normal (and a lot more safe)?
Apparently they cannot.
“Mickey Mouse has decided that the show must go on,” he said. And TBH, that’s pretty nuts. Noah agrees. “It’s crazy that we’re in the middle of a pandemic that’s killed hundreds of thousands of people and there are still folks out there like, ‘Life isn’t scary enough. Let’s go on a rollercoaster!’” he says. He also points out that park employees are at huge risk with patrons coming into the parks. “The safest job they have right now is inside a 200-degree rat costume,” Noah jokes.
“What dad is so cheap that this vacation is worth the risk?” he wonders. Honestly, even if the tickets were free you wouldn’t catch me there with my family. Especially after finding out that dozens of Florida hospitals have full ICUs. I can wait quite some time before hitting up the House of Mouse, thanks.
Of course it’s valid to say that if life might be distanced and masked for several more months or years, we can’t just stay home the whole time. People will need to return to work eventually if they haven’t already. Some states will bring kids back to school (even if they shouldn’t.) And some people will decide that certain (hopefully small) risks are worth it.
But it’s hard to defend the idea of Disney World opening up amid a pandemic that’s killed over 130,000 Americans with no signs of stopping anytime soon. Not now Mickey. Maybe not for a very long time.
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