
Look At These Beauties Celebrating Their 100th Birthday With A Magical Photo Shoot

by Maria Guido
Originally Published: 
Image via Camila Lima

Twins celebrate their 100th birthday with whimsical photo shoot

Twin sisters in Brazil are celebrating their hundredth birthday this month. What better way to celebrate such an epic milestone than with a whimsical photo shoot?

Photographer Camila Lima, of Cariacica, Brazil, tells ABC News that she reached out to the twins after hearing about their upcoming birthday on her local news. Maria Pignaton Pontin and Paulina Pignaton Pandolfi immediately agreed to her request. The pictures are simply — delightful. It’s the best way to describe these incredible images.

“It is with a heart full of love that I show the result of today’s rehearsal,” Lima writes on her Facebook page. “They will complete 100 years of life on May 24. When do you see such a victory in life? When do we see twin sisters coming together for the centennial?”

Lima lovingly refers to the twins as, “my girls.” She continues on her Facebook page, “My girls are too much in these super fun and colorful pictures. I would like to thank my girls for the layout in the photos and I would also like to thank the whole family who helped me with the photos.”

Lima tells ABC News that the two hour photoshoot this week included hair styling, makeup, and pink and blue matching dresses. She mentioned the twins were “all excited.”

Between them they have 11 children, 31 grandchildren, and 23 great-grandchildren.

Happy Birthday, ladies!

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