
Here's How To Send Dr. Christine Blasey Ford A Postcard Of Support

by Sarah Aswell
Originally Published: 
Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images

Feeling hopeless and helpless regarding the Kavanaugh hearings? One little thing you can do is send Dr. Christine Blasey Ford a postcard of support.

The hearing is over and Dr. Christine Blasey Ford is out of the spotlight — at least in the literal sense. Since she came out to accuse Supreme Court Justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault, she’s been run from her home, called a liar, tweet-attacked by President Trump, and received multiple death threats for speaking up.

Still, she persisted, going from an anonymous reporter to telling her harrowing story, in person, in front of the Senate — and the world.

Whatever happens regarding Brett Kavanaugh’s appointment to the highest court in the United States, it’s clear that Ford did her civic duty, and was a patriot, by sacrificing her comfort and her privacy to tell her story.

It can be hard to know what to do in these situations, especially as millions of women around the country watched last week with high emotions — some triggered by their own histories of sexual assault, some simply frustrated at the ongoing struggle for gender equality and justice.

One woman, Ford’s neighbor in Palo Alto, decided to take action in a small but concrete way. Kristen Podulka told the Palo Alto Daily that after hearing that Ford was receiving negative mail, including death threats, at her home address, that she wanted to counter the bad karma. She started a postcard writing campaign to Ford’s work address.

“I didn’t want to go to her house and have a candlelight vigil,” Podulka told the paper. “I chose the card-writing because it’s an un-intrusive way of showing support. The trolls online and the people with negative thoughts … tend to speak the loudest, so I would like to send her notes of appreciation to try to drown that out if possible. I thought, ‘OK, let’s counteract her hate mail with love mail.’”

Postcards are better to send than letters because they do not have to be screened as suspicious.

The message (and address) quickly spread over social media.

Even some of those who didn’t send snail mail thanked Dr. Ford using the #thankyoudrford hashtag.

Currently, the FBI is conducting an investigation into Brett Kavanaugh’s sexual assault accusations. However, it was just announced that he will not be returning to teach classes at Harvard this winter.

If you’d like to send Dr. Ford a message too, here’s her address:

Dr Christine Ford

c/o Palo Alto University

1791 Arastradero Rd

Palo Alto CA 94304

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