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Amy Schumer And Andy Cohen Hilariously Tell Their Toddler Stories -- And It's All Too Real

The comedian and talk show host compared parenting opinions on a recent episode of ‘What Happens Live.’

by Marie Holmes
Amy Schumer and Andy Cohen answer all questions toddler on 'What Happens Live.'
YouTube/What Happens Live

Amy Schumer and Andy Cohen are both famous and funny — and no strangers to diaper blowouts and temper tantrums. In an appearance on Cohen’s show, What Happens Live, the two parents of toddlers played a hilarious round of ‘One, Two, Baby,’ answering rapid fire questions to “see if our parenting experiences align,” as Cohen stated in an introduction.

“Amy and I both have toddlers at home, which can be messy,” said Cohen, 53, who is dad to 3-year-old son Ben. Schumer, who recently co-hosted the Oscars, is mom to son Gene, age two.

It was a little more than reassuring to see that some of the challenges of parenting toddlers are the same even if you’re a well-known TV personality.

Schumer and Cohen agreed that the mess of a diaper blowout is worse than spit-up, and that not all of their kids’ artwork is “sacred” — and some ends up getting tossed.

“A lot in the trash,” admitted Schumer.

Don’t worry Amy. Highly relatable.

They also both said they would select the superpower “tantrum tamer” over that of “nap whisperer,” and agreed that the most annoying character on Sesame Street is a human child, not a muppet.

Although they did break rank with non-celebrities in a category or two — and it’s no surprise it’s one that had to do with money.

Both successful performers gave a shrug and a “why not?” to the question of expensive designer clothing for a toddler.

“We have to have fun before they can say no,” explained Schumer, who admitted to buying her son a tux for the Oscars. “No one saw it,” she added.

Cohen noted that the $700 Fendi pants he received for his son at a baby shower thrown by Real Housewives landed the tyke on page 6.

The stars disagreed on the best Disney hit, with Cohen voting for “Let It Go,” and Schumer selecting “We Don’t Talk About Bruno.”

On the question of screen time, Cohen said ‘limited’ over ‘who cares?’ but Schumer chose both, admitting that excess screen time can be necessary “under emergency circumstances.”

While the game wasn’t officially a competition, we’re crowning Schumer the winner. She said her tooth fairy will deliver Bitcoin, and that if forced to choose between RHONY’s Ramona or Luann as potential babysitters, she’d go with Hitler.

Savvy choice.

Overall, Schumer sealed her position as celebrity mom we’d most want to talk to at the playground — and continues to be a celebrity mom who is so open and relatable, even when life is messy (blowout or no).