If You Can Answer This 'Grey's Anatomy' Trivia, You Deserve A Harper Avery (Stat!)
It’s a beautiful day to play trivia.

Some TV shows get canceled after one season. Some TV shows are gifted with a respectable five- or six-season run. And then there are TV shows like Grey’s Anatomy that have withstood the test of time and lasted far beyond what anyone could have imagined. In fact, the show’s success has led to it becoming the longest-running medical drama on primetime television (sorry, ER). And while rumors about when it will end continue to make the rounds, it’s currently in the midst of its 18th season. Yes, you heard me right, 18 seasons of Grey’s! If you’re nodding your head right now and thinking, I know, well, you’re probably a fan. But just how big of a fan are you? The series has nearly 400 episodes under its belt, equating to a ton of Grey’s Anatomy trivia.
While that seems like a lot of footage, the show may stretch into Season 19 and possibly even Season 20. It remains beloved by millions of fans worldwide — and with good reason. From steamy on-call room hookups to complicated surgeries, this show never fails to leave its viewers on the edge of their seats in some form or another. The characters are impossible not to root for, and the storylines continuously kick you right in the feels. (Seriously, just try watching this show without a box of tissues by your side, I dare you.)
With that said, it’s high time we test your knowledge of Meredith Grey and the rest of the Grey Sloan gang with a bit of Grey’s Anatomy trivia that’ll prove just how deep your dedication goes. These questions would also make a perfect activity to spice up moms’ night in, to read on that long-overdue girls’ road trip you’ve been meaning to take, or to share with your best friend (or partner since we all know they secretly love it, too) during commercial breaks when you watch the next episode.
So, sit back, relax, and scrub in on the array of questions below.
Grey’s Anatomy Trivia Questions and Answers
- Who created Grey’s Anatomy? Shonda Rhimes
- What is the show’s title a reference to? The famous anatomy book Gray’s Anatomy
- What was the series originally going to be called? Complications
- What was Derek Shepherd’s nickname? McDreamy
- What was Mark Sloan’s nickname? McSteamy
- What was Lexie Grey’s nickname? Little Grey
- How was Lexie related to Meredith? Half-sister
- Where did Meredith go to college? Dartmouth
- Which role did Sandra Oh initially hope to audition for? Dr. Bailey
- What do the residents call the doll with plastic organs? Anatomy Jane
- What was the original name of the hospital where everyone works Seattle Grace
- What hospital did they end up merging with? Mercy West
- That merger resulted in the hospital being renamed what? Seattle Grace Mercy West
- What is the hospital’s current name? Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital
- What is the name of Callie Torres, Arizona Robbins, and Mark Sloan’s daughter? Sofia
- Who died as a result of the plane crash that took place at the end of Season 8? Lexie Grey and Mark Sloan
- In the first season, Derek tells Meredith his favorite color. What is it? Indigo
- Who does Cristina accidentally stab with an epi-pen in Season 8? Alex
- What endearing term do Meredith and Cristina use to call each other? “My person”
- Which well-known actor played the leader of the bomb squad in Season 2? Kyle Chandler
- What design does Derek’s favorite scrub cap have on it? Ferry boats
- What was his character’s name? Dylan Young
- What secret was Derek keeping from Meredith in Season 1? That he was married
- Why did Derek move to Seattle? His wife cheated on him with his best friend.
- What is Derek Shepherd’s specialty? Neurosurgery
- How many times has Miranda Bailey been married? Twice
- How did George O’Malley die at the end of Season 5? He was hit by a bus
- What was Preston Burke’s specialty? Cardiothoracic surgery
- What bar do the doctors like to go to after work? The Emerald City Bar (though it’s mainly referred to as Joe’s, the name of the bartender/owner)
- Which character has a photographic memory? Lexie Grey
- What is Addison Montgomery’s specialty? Neonatal surgery
- Whose LVAD wire does Izzie Stevens cut in Season 2? Denny Duquette
- How much money did Denny leave Izzie in his will? $8.7 million
- What was Denny waiting for on the donor list? A new heart
- Which well-known actor played Denny? Jeffrey Dean Morgan
- What was the name of Meredith’s dog? Doc
- Which well-known actor had a cameo as Meredith’s vet boyfriend? Chris O’Donnell
- What was his character’s nickname? McVet
- Who did George have a crush on at the start of the show? Meredith
- What’s the significance of the sparkle pager in Season 4? Whichever resident has it gets the opportunity to take any surgery of their choosing from the other residents
- What other profession has Izzie dabbled in? Modeling
- What secret was Meredith keeping about her mother in Season 1? That she had Alzheimer’s
- What STD does George contract in Season 1? Syphilis
- How many kids do Derek and Meredith have? Three
- In Season 6, which resident gets shot first during the hospital shooting? Reed
- What are their names? Zola, Bailey, and Ellis
- Where did George and Callie get married? Las Vegas
- What is Derek’s middle name? Christopher
- Which character went on to star in the spinoff series, Private Practice? Addison Montgomery
- Out of the core five characters — Izzie, Cristina, Meredith, George, and Alex — who failed their intern exam? George
- Who replaced Preston Burke as Chief of Cardio in Season 4? Dr. Erica Hahn
- Who does Hahn share a romantic relationship with? Callie
- What does Meredith’s former BFF, Sadie, call her as a nickname? Death
- What does Meredith call Sadie? Die
- What famous actor passed on the role of Derek Shepherd? Rob Lowe
- What injury did Mark Sloan sustain while having sex with Lexie? A penile fracture
- Which One Tree Hill stars made cameos on Grey’s? Jana Kramer, Joy Lez, and Hilarie Burton
- What was George’s nickname? 007
- Where did Ellen Pompeo and her character, Meredith, both grow up? Boston
- Why does Andrew DeLuca get killed in Season 17? He uncovers a human trafficking ring
- After Hahn leaves, who becomes the new Head of Cardio? Teddy Altman
- In what other production did Patrick Dempsey and Kevin McKidd costar? Made of Honor (2008)
- What specialty does Alex Karev end up choosing? Pediatrics
- Who plays Teddy’s first husband, Henry, in Season 7? Scott Foley
- What beauty mishap befalls Cristina on her wedding day in Season 3? A waxing accident that takes off her eyebrows
- Why did they get married? So that Henry could use Teddy’s medical insurance
- What is Jo Wilson’s real first name? Brooke
- Who does April lose her virginity to? Jackson Avery
- Who did Jessica Capshaw (Dr. Arizona Robbins) originally want to be her love interest? Justin Chambers (Dr. Alex Karev)
- What’s the name of the nurse Derek Shepherd dates when he and Meredith are broken up? Rose
- Which Grey’s character went on to star in the spinoff series, Station 19? Ben Warren
- What stabs Cristina in Season 5 when she meets Owen Hunt? An icicle
- What body part does Derek severely injure in the Season 8 plane crash? His hand
- Where does Cristina temporarily move to after the events of the plane crash? Minnesota
- What did Katherine Heigl cite as her reason for famously dropping out of Emmy consideration for her Grey’s role in 2008? A lack of material that would warrant a nomination
- What is the name of Meredith’s dad? Thatcher
- What did he die of in Season 15? Cancer
- Which three actors starred in both Grey’s and Scream 3? Scott Foley, Neve Campbell, and Patrick Dempsey
- What do Teddy and Owen name their daughter? Allison
- What prestigious award does Cristina get nominated for in Season 10? Harper Avery
- Does she win? No
- At the end of Season 10, Cristina is offered the chance to run her very own research hospital in what country? Switzerland
- Who made her this offer? Preston Burke
- When Cristina leaves, what does she call Meredith (and not Derek)? The sun
- Who are Maggie Pierce’s birth parents? Ellis Grey and Richard Webber
- Why does Jo initially turn down Alex’s proposal? Because she’s already married
- How does Derek Shepherd die? From severe brain injuries following a car accident
- What is the name of Owen’s sister? Megan
- How does Matthew propose to April? With a flashmob
- Where do Arizona, Callie, and Sofia end up moving to? New York
- Who was Amelia Shepherd’s mentor? Tom Koracick
- Why does Alex ultimately leave Seattle and end his marriage to Jo? The revelation that Izzie secretly had his twins
- What is Meredith’s speciality? General surgery
- Who caught Callie dancing in her underwear when she was temporarily living in the hospital? Richard Webber
- What are Grey’s Anatomy episodes named after? Song titles
- Which music superstar has a cat named after Meredith Grey? Taylor Swift
- How old was Maggie when she graduated from med school? 19
- What season did the series stop using its opening theme sequence? Season 2
- Who does Izzie hallucinate seeing as a result of her brain tumor? Denny
- What was the song played in the original opening? “Cosy in the Rocket” by Psapp
- Which OG character does not visit Meredith on the beach in Season 17? Cristina Yang
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