This Woman Made A 2024 Wrapped For Her Marriage & It’s Hilarious
Spotify has nothing on this.

It’s always so fun to watch your annual Spotify Wrapped (unless, like many parents, your music stats have been hijacked by your kids). It’s cool to see what your year was like, reflect on your favorite times, and look forward to the future. It’s easy to wonder: Wouldn’t it be cool if we had Wrapped for other parts of our life?
Enter @Frankliner116 on TikTok, who had the adorable and hilarious idea to do a Marriage Wrapped 2024 about her and her husband. The results were amazing.
She has viewers laughing from the first line: “In 2024, I had one husband,” she begins, with a straight face. “I’ve had this husband for 27 years.”
Then the stats get serious.
“In 2024, we went on 11 dates,” she continues, referring to her slide presentation. “We’ve had 67 arguments — or should I say heated discussions. The most popular topics of these arguments are recycling, dinner, and AI.”
See, if you argue with your partner about AI, you are not alone!
She continues with more stats, which really double as a gentle ribbing of her relationship.
“We have had 577 video calls,” she states. “He has shared 16,783 TikToks and Reels. All of them fall into one of the following five categories: recipes, restaurants, things to buy, freaky stuff, and things only he finds humorous.”
But even though she jokes, you can really see how sweet their relationship is.
“We have gone three days without a hug or a kiss, but that was only because I was out of town,” she says.
Just when we think we might get some spicy stats, the video cuts off dramatically for a moment — and when we return, she’s wrapping up her wrapped.
“It’s been a pretty good year. I give us an A-,” she finishes. “Why? Because we really haven’t been on enough dates. We’re going to work on that in 2025.”
“I’ll be tuned in to next year’s marriage wrapped,” writes one of the most popular comments.
“This is so cute, actually,” wrote another.
“Marriage goals,” wrote a third.
Here’s to more dates in 2025 for this cute couple. And here’s to looking back on the year to remember the good times and bad (those recycling tiffs!) and to reflect on how we can improve our relationships.