These 16 Names Are Perfect For A Gemini Baby

If your new addition is born between the dates of May 21st and June 21st, congratulations — it’s twins!
Okay, maybe not twins in the traditional sense (although if you really are expecting multiples, good luck with that!). We mean a bouncing baby Gemini, whose astrological symbol is The Twins.
Even if you’re not that into astrology (what? You don’t have a bicep tattoo of your sign?), it can be fun to explore the personality traits and symbolic references that define your baby’s star sign.
People born under Gemini are vivacious and social, able to light up a room, and born with the “gift of gab” to boot. They’re flexible and easygoing; if they’re bored with their routine, they’ll just find something different to do.
On the flip side, Geminis are sometimes nosy — hide your chocolate stash and any, um, adult-themed items you don’t want to explain — but they’d prefer to call it “curious.”
In tribute to the zodiac sign that rules over your gregarious Gemini baby, you may want to choose a name that embodies a special related quality or symbol. Here are our picks for the perfect Gemini baby names.
1. Tamsin
What better name for a zodiac twin than a name that literally means “twin?” It works even if your little one is a singleton. For a boy, Thomas has the same meaning. And if you’re having boy/girl twins?! Thomas and Tamsin. You’re welcome.
Uliana Petrosian/Getty
2. Aura
Gemini is an air sign, and Aura means “soft breeze.” If there’s a breezier name than Aura, we don’t know about it. (Unless maybe you’re actually naming your child Breeze, which is also great for a Gemini because it references not only air, but that carefree personality.)
3. Finnian
One of Gemini’s signature colors is said to be white — and that’s exactly what this name of Irish origin means. Fiona, with the same meaning, is an option for girls.
4. Castor
The “twins” that make up the Gemini constellation are named for two twin brothers in Greek and Roman mythology: Castor and Pollux. While Pollux isn’t as wearable a name, Castor could definitely be a realistic option, with the possibility of “Cas” as a cute, hip nickname.
5. Rabi
An Arabic name meaning “springtime,” this name pays homage to Gemini’s ruling season.
6. Alden
One of the most famous Gemini traits is their sharp wit and enviable intellect, and this name means “wise friend.”
7. Gemini
Could you find any clearer tribute than to name your kid after their actual zodiac sign? As a bonus, you could use Gem as a nickname, which is perfect considering that gemstone names are really “in” right now.
8. Pearl
Pearl is one of the Gemini birthstones; the other is alexandrite, for which the names Alexander or Alexandra could be perfect tributes.
9. Aria
Another tribute to Gemini being an air sign, this is the Italian word for air, and also a musical term for a melody sung by a single voice.
10. Mercury
Gemini’s ruling planet is Mercury, the planet of information and technology; Mercury’s influence is said to make Geminis curious and communicative.
11. Lavender
The official Gemini flower, legend has it that lavender is especially appealing to those born under this sign. Another flower it favors is lily of the valley.
12. Maiara
This gorgeous name is of Tupi origin (a language spoken by the South American people of the Amazon River basin). Like Alden, it means “wise,” but this one has a distinctly more feminine sound.
13. Kenji
The kanji characters that make up this Japanese name can be translated into “two,” which is the perfect way to describe the duality of the Gemini personality. Wanna be a little edgier but still keep the same meaning? Try Deuce.
Yasser Chalid/Getty
14. June
Naming your daughter after her birth month? Why not! June is not only an old favorite (it was in the top 100 for nearly four decades), but it has gained fresh traction on the popularity charts in recent years. Possible alternatives (for either gender!) are Juno or Junah.
15. Eulalia
A Greek name meaning “articulate,” which is another well-known Gemini trait: they are born talkers, able to carry on conversations and express themselves verbally like no other star sign.
16. Kendrick
Geminis are adventurous and spirited, ready for anything and willing to change plans at a moment’s notice in favor of a new adventure. This name, meaning “bold power,” fits in with those traits quite nicely.
Want more name inspiration for Gemini babies and beyond? Check out Scary Mommy’s baby name database!
This article was originally published on