Happy National Singles' Awareness Day

All the single ladies, all the single ladies….. put your hands up! Why, you ask? Because it is time to celebrate your singlehood! February 15th is National Singles’ Awareness Day. Don’t let yourselves get overlooked in the chaos of Valentine’s Day roses, chocolates, and dinner reservations; February 15 is your day. It is a day to honor and recognize you, single lady, and to celebrate all of the beauty, strength and freedom that accompanies being consciously not-coupled, single, and proud.
February 14th can feel like a cruel, relationship-status reminder to all of the singles of the world. It seems as though everyone and their brother is making dinner reservations, wearing red, and exchanging romantic interludes as we single-folk are living just another, normal, Wednesday. Social media is plastered with couple pictures celebrating this is us, restaurant check-ins, and even a few engagement ring close-ups. Whatever you do, don’t let it get to you. Whether single by choice or circumstance, February 15th is your day.
Being single is no walk in the park; it sure has its down sides: brushing off your own car in a snowstorm, paying all of the bills on time with your own hard-earned money, doing the annoying household chores by yourself day after day. Sometimes, I leave my garbage in the kitchen for days, yearning for it to magically walk itself outside and return with the mail in hand. But, nope, it’s all on me. Going to sleep without an “I love you” or a forehead kiss and waking up to only the sounds of the disc jockey on the radio can feel lonely at times. Do not focus on these pitfalls of the single life; dig deep and find gratitude for all of the many blessings that come with being single. Trust me, they are plentiful.
If being in a relationship is worthy enough of its own designated day, then, hell yeah, so is being a single. When you are in a relationship, you celebrate it on February 14th by enjoying the things that make being part of a couple great: romantic dinners, gifts, and romance. So, it is only fitting to celebrate National Singles’ Awareness Day, February 15th, by doing the very things that make being single so great. Go ahead, take the day off from work, because hey, it’s not like your boss will think you had plans last night! You’re single, silly.
Not sure what to do with this amazing Singles’ Awareness Day? Well, here are a few suggestions on how to spend your special day:
Do Whatever You the Hell You Want
I guess we don’t need a designated day to do whatever the hell we want, because, well, we are single. Watch Lifetime movies, sleep, clean the house, don’t clean the house, make steak for dinner, nah, order takeout — what the hell, just do both! All of our decisions need to be made by one person and one person only. Spend as much money or as little money as you want on whomever you want and no one will question you. No joint decisions necessary. Own that today. You are single. Straighten your crown and just do you.
Don’t Shave
I love this one, I really do. Don’t get me wrong, I am single, and yes, I do shave…intermittently. I shave on an as absolutely need-only basis. Spend your special day not shaving and while you’re at it, skip the shower. I am sure you will think you look great when you sit down to eat your take out. You will feel pretty damn good, too. Light a candle, pour champagne, and enjoy the amazing company.
Flirting is so fun, isn’t it? So fun and so not something you usually do when you are part of a duo, so do it now and enjoy it. Bumble, Tinder, Match, or a good ol’ fashioned, real life, face-to-face rendezvous. Pick your poison, but please, flirt on your special day. It will remind you how fun being single can be. It will remind you that you can still daydream about the one, and play silly games like mash to predict who will you marry and where you will live. Dig deep and be the silly, love-struck, 7th grade version of you.
Sleep alone in silence; sleep horizontally if you choose, hog the blankets and the pillows, and don’t worry, you won’t be awoken by loud snoring or the late night reach-over attempted cuddle. Nothing stands between you and sleep, so enjoy it while you can. No matter how much you love someone, snoring is annoying as hell. Sleep alone, and cherish it while you can.
Wear Green
Many will wear romantic red on Valentine’ s Day to celebrate love. Ahhhhhh. Well, it is said that the color of National Singles’ Awareness Day is green simply because green is the opposite color of red. So, wear green as if to say “I am single, I am proud, and I can take myself out to dinner. I may even bring roses.” Ain’t no shame in the single game.
No matter how your plans unfold, find gratitude in your situation, and make the most of it. Being single presents the opportunity for growth, self-examination, and self-discovery. Shower yourself with positive thoughts, nice dinners, and whatever keeps you being the best you you can be, no matter what day it is. Life is short, so celebrate and live with gratitude.
And to all of the single ladies? Your prince will come and when he does, you’ll be shaving regularly again and covering your ears with a pillow as he snores romantically by your ears each night. Don’t rush it.