Take Two Seconds & Try This Lowkey Brilliant TikTok Gift-Wrapping Hack
Honestly, why didn’t we think of this?!

Gift wrapping for the holidays always starts out exciting. You pick the paper. You find the coordinating ribbon and gift tags. Before you know it, you're gleefully neck-deep in a stack of partially-wrapped presents. For many people, it's one of their favorite parts of Christmas! Halfway through wrapping that mound of presents, though, you run out of steam. You've already, quite literally, run out of wrapping paper twice. You miscalculated and cut pieces too short numerous times. And now, you've lost your scissors. Again. Enter TikTok.
No one in their right mind would suggest making all life decisions based on advice or hacks you've seen on social media. We already know that many things on social media are fake or staged. Many experts will even say social media is bad for your mental health. But sometimes, it's pretty easy to see true genius among all the TikTok "hacks" and tips out there. This is one of those times when a hack is not only actually simple but also sanity-saving. All you need? Your tape, scissors, and a strand of ribbon or string.
The hack? Tie your scissors to your tape.
"Now that it's the holiday season, let me remind you to tie these two together," suggests TikToker Julie Story.
"We all know these are the true troublemakers of the holiday season because as soon as you sit down to wrap that cute little present, one of them is going to run away. Whatever you sit down, it's going to disappear, and you're gonna spend the next 15 minutes trying to find it. But not if they're in 'ribbon jail.' Nope. Not if they're in their 'get along shirt.' So, you're going to tie them together and save yourself thousands of hours looking for them. Trust me. You're gonna love it; they're gonna hate it."
Feeling especially forgetful these days or want to be extra proactive? Tie them both to the leg of the chair or table at which you wrap. Is it excessive? Some might say "yes." But the naysayers are probably not the ones doing all the god-forsaken wrapping of presents.
Other Timesaving Wrapping Hacks
- Buy larger rolls of wrap. Sure, it's aesthetically pleasing to have three color-coordinated prints to choose from. However, it makes things complicated and expensive. Just buy a larger roll and wrap them all the same.
- Or assign a paper print to each person. If you're insistent on multiple wrapping paper prints, use a specific print for each family member. This saves time by not having to use tags.
- Use "Santa boxes" or "Santa bags." Instead of wrapping each present and labeling it "From Santa," put anything from Santa in one box and just wrap that giant box full of goodies.
- Use sticker tags. Thinking of crafting or buying those little gift tags that tie onto bows? Stop. You're doing too much. Just use the stickers. (With a permanent marker, so it doesn't smear.)
- Designate a space. Whether wrapping takes you one night or several nights over a week, try (if you have the space) to find a space where you can set up your wrapping station once and then leave it all out between sessions. This also means you could have one central landing place for any new, to-be-wrapped presents entering your home.
- Add your pen or marker to the ribbon jail.
- Use a lanyard to keep extra tape handy.
- Hang a trash bag on the back of your chair.
Will these solve all your wrapping woes? Oh, to be so lucky. Alas, gift wrapping is only fun in theory and not so much in practice. Even so, Story's simply scissor-and-tape-tethering hack should certainly help.
Or, as many of Story's fans commented, consider taking a drink every time you lose something or something goes wrong. One way or another, the presents will get wrapped, and you'll have a bit of fun in the process.
This article was originally published on