“I Took A More In-Depth Look At My Screen Time Stats. Yikes.”
In the latest Confessions roundup, 20 moms share some of their more relatable secrets.

I am the best at keeping secrets for others, and the worst at keeping my own. I blurt out everything, from the most embarrassing stuff to the most mundane, and seem to have zero filter on sharing my own nonsense with those around me. But apparently! I’m not alone. This week in Scary Mommy Confessions, moms are officially done with the holidays, but ready to share some of the more wholesome little secrets they’ve got locked in their hearts. From crushes on bosses to being excited about positive pregnancy tests after IVF, Confessions is a nice little dollop of relatable today.
So pour yourself a fresh cup of coffee and send some silent congratulations to total strangers here in Confessions — and then send some patience for the mom whose partner lets their toddler sleep in their bed every night.
Scary Mommy Confessions are a tried-and-true part of what makes our site so fun. If you want to anonymously confess, look for our weekly callouts on Instagram. And to browse past Confessions, head here.
I got a “freak in the sheets” mug for Xmas from work. Horrified and need a new job.
Confession #50735266
I have a secret crush on my boss.
Confession #52402341
I secretly love Squishmallows almost as much as my kids do.
Confession #52422240
My partner lets our toddler sleep in our bed and I hate it. He’s cute but I need space.
Confession #51965472
+ test after a year of IVF TTC!!!!
Confession #51896099
So grateful my daughter has a supportive partner and is happy at her new job.
Confession #52389868
I took a more in-depth look at my screen time stats from last week... YIKES 😳 😅
Confession #50005815
I’d love to see my boss get fired!
Confession #52284193
The love of my life reappeared after my divorce 💕
Confession #51228321
My husband is annoying the heck out of me. Can I kick him in the balls?
Confession #50007627
Freshly divorced, single, 40 and fit - I’m feeling the sexiest I have in years 🔥
Confession #55533180
This is the best Dec in a long time. Life post domestic violence divorce is life giving.
Confession #50192314
I had a day home by myself with the dog today and it was glorious.
Confession #56709123
I think my boss is the laziest individual.
Confession #52213347
I asked my husband if I could have a f🦆 buddy. We’re talking terms.
Confession #56732480
I talk a lot of shit!
Confession #50023489
My son has a cold at home but I’m going to dinner with a friend 😅
Confession # 55503221
I sometimes overlook the diapers in the bottom of my Walmart cart. Oops.
Confession #55430009
8yr wedding anniversary and we closed on our first house today!
Confession #50032218
My life is finally together so everyone I know is falling apart and asking for support.
Confession #52223120