12 Outdoor Rocking Chairs To Help Make Summer Super Chill

Back in the day, finding the best outdoor rocking chairs was an exercise in tradeoffs. You could have style or budget-friendly, but you couldn’t have both. Check out your childhood photos from summer, and chances are you’re licking a Fudgsicle atop an atrocious plastic-weaved and steel situation in unfortunate shades of mustard and pea green. The good stuff was also pretty pricey, at least more than my working-class parents wanted to spend.
Thankfully, the days of having to choose between ugly and less ugly in the back room of Sears or Safeway’s garden section are over. Outdoor furnishings and prices have improved the past couple of decades, and thank goodness because it’s summer and we’ve got staycations to plan. Remodels and DIYs peaked during the height of the pandemic, and we’re still sizing up the season’s home improvement projects. Sprucing up outdoor spaces is at the top of the list because life is better alfresco and those Mai Tais ain’t gonna drink themselves. Besides, there’s nothing like forcing the kids off the Nintendo Switch and into the backyard for some free play while you’re vibing in a rocking chair or hammock with a book (or drink, or both). Pro tip: haul out all the sunscreen, hats, water toys, and snacks beforehand so you don’t hear “Mom, help” every two minutes.
Sun’s out, rock it out. Find your new favorite summertime perch with these 12 awesome outdoor rocking chair options.
Best Outdoor Rocking Chairs
Best Outdoor Rocking Chairs With Cushions