a little harsh?

This Mom Does Not Want Your Family Christmas Card

Thousands of people responded with very strong opinions.

by Sarah Aswell
A woman confesses that any holiday cards she receives go straight into the trash.

Americans send about 1.3 billion holiday cards annually, and about 60% percent of people send at least a couple of cards each year. But do people actually enjoy receiving holiday cards? Or are they an outdated tradition of the past that only clutters our household and our trash cans? Should we send holiday cards at all?

One woman, at least, has a very strong opinion on the topic. Mom and holiday enthusiast Chanci thinks that no matter how cute your family is, or how much effort you might have put into the product, cards are going to the same place as the junk mail.

She explained herself on TikTok.

“I was going to tell you since it’s going to be Christmas and all. Don’t send me a Christmas card. I’m going to throw that sh*t in the trash,” she begins in her well-known Southern accent.

Her argument? They’re cute, but there aren’t more than clutter in her eyes.

“I’m going to look at it. And Melissa, I’m sorry, you didn’t know, I’m just now telling you, and y’all are all dressed for the occasion and y’all look precious. I’m about to throw it in the garbage. I can’t have that clutter laying around here, you know what I’m saying.”

She did give everyone a good alternative.

“Send me a digital picture. And say, ‘Merry Christmas’ — No, don’t do that either,” she stops herself. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll see y’all, you know? I’ll see y’all. Don’t send me no card.”

Her very harsh opinion, shared sweetly, got a strong reaction from viewers right away — with thousands of people tossing in their two cents on old fashioned holiday cards.

Some people agreed with her completely.

“I’m the same way,” one person admitted. “WHAT AM U SUPPOSED TO DO WITH A BUNCH OF CARDS EVERY YEAR? Seriously. What am I supposed to do with them?”

“Same! I can’t stand seeing the clutter,” another agreed.

But the vast majority of readers were scandalized by her opinion.

“I will take Alll of the Christmas cards!! I love them,” someone argued.

“Aww this one made me a little sad,” one person wrote. “I so look forward to everyone’s Christmas cards.”

“I spent a lot of money this year on the cards with our pictures,” another wrote. “I hope no one is throwing them away.”

The most useful part of the post was readers sharing how they use or display their cards to cut down on the clutter but still celebrate their friends and family.

“I punch a hole in the corner of all the photo cards I get and put them on a gold ring so it’s like a coffee table flip through book,” reads the most popular comment.

Genius idea!

“My family would pick one or two a day (depending how many we had total) and pray for that family at dinner,” another person shared. So sweet.

“I have a photo album for all the Christmas cards I get every year. I love getting them,” said another.

And some people compromise.

“I hang all mine on a ribbon along the wall. (and then throw them in the trash 🤣),” one person shared.

As always, to each their own. People will likely keep sending cards and each card will have a different fate in different homes — and that’s only the business of the family that receives them. Personally, keep all those holiday cards coming! My kids are going to have to throw them all away when they clean out my attic after I’m dead.