225+ Lord of the Rings Names Perfect For Your Little Hobbit

Nowadays, when people think of The Lord of the Rings, it’s usually in the context of the early-2000s movie trilogy directed by Peter Jackson. But long before Elijah Wood donned pointy prosthetic ears to play hobbit Frodo Baggins, Middle-earth and its residents were first introduced in two books by John Ronald Reuel (JRR) Tolkien: The Hobbit (published in 1937) and The Lord of the Rings (published between 1954 and 1955). And, as you probably know if you’re here, the former was also adapted by Jackson into a successful film trilogy. So, if you’re searching for Lord of the Rings names for your future offspring or perhaps even a family pet (Lord of the Rings names for dogs, anyone?), well, you’ve got plenty of options.
While The Hobbit was a children’s book, The Lord of the Rings was written for an adult audience and published in three different volumes: The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, and The Return of the King. When Jackson adapted Tolkien’s works into films, he did so mirroring the author’s format of a trilogy, using the titles of each volume of the novel as titles for the films: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (released in 2001), The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (released in 2002), and The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (released in 2003). After the success of the three original movies, Jackson opted to give the same treatment to Tolkien’s first book, The Hobbit, turning it into a prequel trilogy: The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (released in 2012), The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (released in 2013), and The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (released in 2014).
At any rate, both the books and the movies have amassed a substantial number of fans over the past 84 years. If you’re one of them and are looking for Lord of the Rings-inspired baby names, you’ve come to the right place. Here are 225+ names of Lord of the Rings characters from the movies and a few from the books that never made it to the silver screen.
Lord of the Rings Characters From the Movies
- Aldor
- Anborn
- Angelica Baggins
- Angbor
- Aragorn
- Arwen
- Bilbo Baggins
- Frodo Baggins
- Balin
- Beechbone
- Bregalad
- Boromir
- Bruno
- Merry Brandybuck
- Mrs. Bracegirdle
- Melilot Brandybuck
- Carl Cotton
- Celeborn
- Círdan
- Rosie Cotton
- Déagol
- Denethor
- Elanor Gamgee
- Elendil
- Elrond
- Éomer
- Éomund
- Éothain
- Éowyn
- Faramir
- Fastred
- Finglas
- Filibert Bolger
- Fladrif
- Fredegar Bolger
- Galadriel
- Samwise Gamgee
- Gandalf
- Gimli
- Gleowine
- Gollum
- Gríma Wormtongue
- Hamfast Gamgee
- Horn
- Isildur
- Khamûl
- Legolas
- Nazgûl
- Farmer Maggot
- Saruman
- Shelob
- Théoden
- Pippin Took
- Treebeard
- Old Noakes
- Mrs. Proudfoot
- Odo Proudfoot
- Otho Sackville-Baggins
- Lobelia Sackville-Baggins
- Ted Sandyman
- Diamond Took
- Bard the Bowman
- Barliman Butterbur
- Arwen
- Figwit
- Forlong
- Rivendell
- Lord Elrond
- Erestor
- Nestadion
- Silinde
- Lothlórien
- Celeborn
- Lady Galadriel
- Haldir
- Nilfaleth
- Rúmil
- Damrod
- Denethor
- Eldarion
- Elendil
- Faramir
- Iorlas
- Irolas
- Isildur
- Madril
- Erkenbrand
- Freda
- Gamling
- Grimbold
- Háma
- Haleth
- Morwen
- King Théoden
- Théodred
- Gorbag
- Gothmog
- Grishnákh
- Guritz
- Lugdush
- Lurtz
- Mauhúr
- Murgash
- Shagrat
- Sharku
- Snaga
- King of the Dead
- Déagol
- Durin’s Bane
- Hugin
- Hurin
- Glóin
- Sméagol
- Mûmakil Mahûd
- Shadowfax
- Shelob
- Will Whitfoot
- Widow Rumble
- Ufthak
- Dwalin
- Robin Smallburrow
- Meneldor
- Landroval
- Hirgon
- Herefara
- Mat Heathertoes
- Celebrimbor
- Fëanor
- Finwë
- Míriel
- Maedhros
- Beren
- Melian
- Ungoliant
- Túrin Turambar
- Idril
- Tuor
- Thorin Oakenshield
- Thingol
- Thranduil
- Morgoth
- Belladonna Took
- Fili
- Kili
- Dori
- Nori
- Ori
- Bifur
- Bofur
- Bombur
Lord of the Rings Characters From the Books
Not every character from Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings books makes an appearance in the movies. Here’s a list of names of characters who never made it onto the big screen.
- Halbarad
- Tom Bombadil
- Glorfindel
- Imrahil
- Ghân-buri-Ghân
- Goldberry
- Barrow
- Wight
- Elladan
- Elrohir
- Bill
- Ferny
- Orc
- Chieftain
- Blue
- Pallando
- Alatar
- Radagast
- Willow
- Quickbeam
- Gloín
- Orophin
- Gaffer
- Ham
- Gamgee
- Twofoot
- Everard
- Rorimac
- Sancho
- Lobelia
- Sackville
- Baggins
- Lotho
- Gildor
- Inglorien
- Harry
- Goatleaf
- Bob
- Nob
- Erestor
- Tom Cotton
More Lord of the Rings Characters From the Books
- Galdor
Meaning: Prosperous lord or tree lord
- Dain
Meaning: Worthy, honorable, haughty, or reserved
- Caradhras
Meaning: Red horn
- Grishnákh
Meaning: Pain in violence
- Uglúk
Meaning: Guardian
- Moria
Meaning: Star of the sea
- Éothain
Meaning: Warhorse
- Ceorl
Meaning: A freeman of the lowest rank in Anglo-Saxon England
- Erkenbrand
Meaning: Precious sword
- Ingold
Meaning: To rule
- Beregond
Meaning: Bold stone
- Mablung
Meaning: “With weighted hand”
- Damrod
Meaning: Hammerer of copper or metal
- Elfhelm
Meaning: Helmet
- Widfara
Meaning: Wander
- Warden
Meaning: Guardian
- Ioreth
Meaning: Old woman
- Sauron
Meaning: The admirable
- Shirriff
Meaning: Administrative officer of an English shire
- Ruffian
Meaning: Scoundrel, rascal, or unprincipled person
What are all of Gandalf’s names?
Gandalf is such a significant character in the Lord of the Rings books that he doesn’t just have one name. In fact, he has several. Check out his multiple monikers below.
- The Grey
- The White
- Olórin
- Mithrandir
- Incánus
- Tharkûn
- The White Rider
- Grahame
- Stormcrow
- Old Grey Beard
- Big Grey Beard
- The White Pilgrim
- Láthspell
What are the ring’s names?
In Lord of the Rings, there are three rings, which are for the 11 kings. They were forged by Celebrimbor, which is also a cool name to keep on your list.
- Narya- The ring of fire
Meaning: Manly, strong, or heroic
- Nenya- The ring of Adamant
Meaning: White stone
- Vilya- The ring of air
Meaning: Vilya
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