
This Combat Veteran Mom's Campaign Ad Is The Most Badass Thing You've Ever Seen

by Sarah Aswell
Image via YouTube

MJ Hegar is shaking things up with one of the best political ads ever

Last week, Texas Congressional candidate, combat veteran, and working mom MJ Hegar released her first political ad, “Doors,” about why she’s running for political office — and about all that she’s done to get to this point in her life. It’s quickly going viral — because it’s the most bad ass thing you’ll watch today.

Since it was released, it’s been watched over two million times on YouTube and gotten national coverage for Hegar, who is running against longtime incumbent Republican Representative John Carter.

The ad opens with the story of Hegar’s helicopter being shot down in Afghanistan during a rescue mission — Hegar escaped with a bullet wound, returning fire from the helicopter that rescued her while hanging on to the skids.

It then backtracks to her life growing up, where her mom escapes an abusive relationship and MJ dreams of being a fighter pilot. After achieving her dreams, though, her combat injury forced her out of the Army because women weren’t at the time allowed to apply for many combat positions. Hegar sued the Pentagon with the help of the ACLU for a women’s right to hold all military positions — and won after a hard-fought four-year battle. She returned to her home in Texas, determined to unseat her Congressman, who refused to help her with her case because she wasn’t a donor.

Image via MJ Hegar for Texas

“My whole life has been about opening, pushing, and sometimes kicking through every door in my way,” she says in the video. “Ready for a Congress that opens doors for Americans instead of slamming them in our faces?”

Hegar is one of a number of hard-hitting progressive women who decided to run in the wake of the Trump presidency — and who have won big in their states’ primaries. She’s now facing a race against Rep. John Carter, who she says does not listen to or speak for the people in her district.

“(Republican incumbent Rep. John Carter) hasn’t served and has failed the veterans in his district,” she continued. “So I’m trying to let people know that I’m one of them. I’m representative of the district that I’ve grown up in my whole life.”

The ad has received the attention of national news outlets and has been shared virally on Facebook and YouTube. While most people who see the ad aren’t able to vote for her in her Texas state race, many are donating to her campaign in hopes of flipping a historically red district.

“I think that part of the reason it’s been so well-received is because the message resonates with people,” Hegar told CNN. “A lot of people across the country feel like they have absent representation and that their voices are not being heard.”