
'Modern Love' On Amazon Is Giving Us All The Feels

by Katie Bingham-Smith
Originally Published: 
Amazon Prime Video and Tracy/Twitter

There’s nothing like getting into a juicy show— especially this time of year when daylight is dwindling and blankets literally call your name.

Last weekend as I was trying to prepare for the week ahead, I got a text from my sister telling me I had to stop what I was doing and watch Modern Love on Amazon that very second.

I slipped that nugget to the back of my brain telling myself I’d get to it at some point.

Well, that point came earlier than expected when just a few hours later, I got another ping as I was stuffing my face with meatballs. It was from a friend I hadn’t seen in a while asking if I’d watched Modern Love yet.

Clearly, with all the fuss, I had to see what this show was about. I mean, I owed it to my loved ones.

Just a few episodes in, I was hooked and didn’t want it to end. Like, ever. According to Twitter, I’m not alone either.

After indulging in all eight episodes with my three teenagers (who all said, “This is weird but I like it.”), I wasn’t the same.

The show — which is based on real-life essays (with some of the facts changed) that were published in the the 15-year New York Times column Modern Love — was raw and riveting. So just a warning here, if you are going to watch, you’ll need tissues for each episode.

With its stellar cast which includes Anne Hathaway, Tina Fey, Dev Patel, and a cameo by Ed Sheeran, every episode tells a different story of love — the stages of love, its complexity, and the struggles love brings.

But since nothing is perfect, there is one valid and glaring criticism: each of the interracial relationships involves a white person. While the episodes and the season overall are diverse, with several interracial relationships, you can’t deny that all of the relationships include a white person. Take a note, producers: In Season 2 — because news just dropped that there’s a Season 2 — please get this right.

I now know what all the fuss was about— Modern Love is relatable and is, in many ways, a mirror into the relationships so many of us have had in our lives, which why the stories got me right in gut as they have for many who have watched.

If you’ve struggled in your marriage, you will be moved.

If you’ve had a lover who got away, you will sob.

Basically, if you have any kind of a soul, the show will slay you.

I think the show’s popularity proves we all long to understand human emotions. And the fact that these love stories are relatable and deal with complex subjects like marriage counseling, bipolar disorder, adoption, and the addictive emotions of new love, make it a must-watch.

All the characters in the show have a commonality we all feel too: they want to be loved. It makes them vulnerable and uncomfortable, and watching makes us feel less alone.

If you haven’t started watching, do yourself a favor and watch one episode and see if you can stop yourself from watching them all in one sitting — I double-dog-dare ya.

In the meantime, I’ll be over here with bated breath hoping Modern Love and Amazon will be bringing us more episodes.

This article was originally published on