
50+ Tenta-Cool Octopus Puns Your Kids Will Find Ink-Credibly Hilarious

by Amy Thetford
Originally Published: 
Octopus Puns and Jokes
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Did you know that octopuses don’t, in fact, have tentacles? Yep, we used “tenta-cool” in the title because it’s a cute play on a word usually associated with octopuses. But the truth is, an octopus’s eight limbs are actually called arms. Except they’ve got eight, and we only get two. As busy as we parents are nowadays, that hardly seems fair! At any rate, we’re gonna take a not-so-deep dive under the sea and share 50+ rib-tickling octopus puns (and octopus jokes) your little larvae are sure to love.

If you’re looking for more, be sure to check out our octopus coloring pages and letter O crafts for toddlers and preschoolers. Ready for some fun? Let’s get to the jokes!

Best Octopus Jokes for Kids

  1. What’s a baby octopus’s favorite story?

“Octo-puss in Boots.”

  1. What do you call octopus twins?


  1. Why was the octopus dangerous?

He was well-armed.

  1. What is the biggest danger for a baby octopus?


  1. How do you make an octopus laugh?


  1. Why did the octopus cross the reef?

To get to the other tide.

  1. What do you call an octopus that plays guitar?

A rock-topus.

  1. Why did the octopus blush?

Because he saw the bottom of the sea.

  1. What has eight arms and tells the time?

A clock-topus.

  1. Where does an octopus keep its money?

In an octo-purse.

  1. What does an octopus tell its lover?

“You octopi my heart.”

  1. How do little fish get to school?

They take the octo-bus.

  1. What sea creatures say hello 16 times?

Two octopuses shaking hands.

  1. What magical sport do octopuses play?


  1. What is an octopus’s favorite month?


  1. Where does an octopus go to sing?

The “choral” reef.

  1. What happens when an octopus goes to the restroom?

It’s octo-pied.

  1. What is an octopus’s favorite number?

3.14 — octo-pi.

  1. Why are octopuses always happy?

They see the octo-plus side of things.

  1. What is an octopus’s favorite item of clothing?

A sock-topus.

  1. What do you call a group of squid?

A squad.

  1. What do you call a flying octopus?

An octo-copter.

  1. What is an octopus’s favorite shape?

An octagon.

  1. Why is an octopus always bored?

Because nothing is ever interest-ink.

  1. Where does an octopus sleep?

On the seabed.

  1. How did the octopus get hurt?

It pulled a mussel.

  1. What do you get when you cross a cat and an octopus?

An octo-puss.

  1. How does an octopus secure its home at night?

With a lock-topus on its door.

  1. What do you call an octopus that’s into sports?

A jock-topus.

  1. What does an octopus knight wear to battle?

A coat of arms.

  1. What has eight legs and turns into a truck?

Octopus Prime.

  1. What do you call an octopus that’s always on time?

A clock-topus.

  1. What do you call a group of octopuses with tangled tentacles?

A gridlocked-opus.

  1. What is a baby octopus’s favorite show?


  1. What do you call an octopus’s job?

An octo-pation.

  1. What do you call an octopus that can talk to frogs?

A croak-topus.

  1. What is an octopus’s favorite band?

Ink Floyd.

  1. What do you call an octopus who always thinks the glass is half full?

An octo-mist.

  1. What has 72 arms and catches flies?

An octopus baseball team.

  1. What do you call an octopus with two arms?

A platypus.

  1. What is a gathering of octopuses called?

An octo-posse.

  1. Did you hear about the guy with the octopus tattoo?

He was all “inked” up.

  1. Why did the electrician hire an octopus?

Because many hands make light work.

  1. Where did the octopus go when it needed an operation?

The “sturgeon.”

  1. What do you call it when two octopuses have each other’s backs?

Squid pro quo.

  1. How did the octopus lose weight?

He went on a low-crab diet.

  1. Why did the octopus make a good drill sergeant?

He was arm-y.

  1. How do you know if an octopus is alive?

You check it’s octo-pulse.

  1. How does a squid propose to its sweetheart?

Will you cala-marry me?

  1. Why didn’t the octopus fight the shark?

Because he was spineless.

This article was originally published on