Mom Shares A Simple, Proven Strategy To Dramatically Decrease SIDS Deaths
Is “one simple trick” going to reduce SIDS by 72%? We looked into the claim.

We love parenting in an age where all the answers in the world can be found on our phones. Early parenthood is hard, but it can be a little bit easier when you are connected to online communities and resources that offer up answers to your most pressing questions any time of the night or day. Of course, the flip side of that is everyone has access to this global community and not everyone checks their work for accuracy. (And, yes, some people are simply unhinged.)
So when we see extraordinary claims about infant safety, we become just a bit skeptical and require extraordinary proof. For instance, in a recent video from TikTok user @justkateslife, Kate claimed “If you do this one thing it will drop your baby’s SIDS risk by 72%.”
Now, TikTok is an amazing resource, but one thing we do not do is simply listen to somebody talk on the app and take it at face value. Because, right off the bat the construction of “This one simple hack = massive difference” just feels... well, you know what they say about things that sound too good to be true. But this was intriguing so we kept listening.
Kate highlights the fact that there’s lots you can do to keep your baby safe while they sleep, and these were all things we’ve heard of and know are best practice per the American Academy of Pediatrics, including...
- Putting baby on their back to sleep
- Providing baby with a firm sleep surface free from blankets, pillows, and toys
- Eliminating second-hand smoke (“If someone is a smoker in your life you don’t bring [your baby] over there,” Kate says. “And if you have a smoker in your life that wants to hold your baby, they put on a clean shirt first. Maybe they keep a shirt at your house.”
- Taking care to not over-swaddle your baby (to avoid overheating)
- Keeping baby in your room with you, in a separate sleep area like a crib or basinet
- Breastfeeding if possible
- Avoiding drugs, including alcohol
“But the one thing that you really need to know: buy a fan,” she reveals. “Turn your ceiling fan on. Turn on a fan in the room. The fan does not have to be directly pointed at your baby’s face to drop SIDS risk up to 72%. Just get a fan!”
This sounds great, and so easy! But what in life is that simple? Turns out this is, actually! We fact-checked and it turns out that getting a fan is a good way to help dramatically reduce SIDS. We’re delighted to hear our skepticism was misplaced.
This particular statistic comes from a 2008 study from California which, indeed, found that fan use during infant sleep was associated with a 72% decrease in deaths due to SIDS. Now, the fan in and of itself is not going to counteract other unsafe sleep practices. But used in conjunction with other guidance, the practice can be an easy additional measure for parents. Why do fans have an effect on baby’s safe sleep? Researchers believe fans serve to prevent heat stress and hyperthermia, which are commonly found in cases of SIDS. There’s also evidence to suggest that fans increasing airflow in a room “may potentially decrease the accumulation of carbon dioxide around the infant's nose and mouth and reduce the risk of rebreathing.”
And, not for nothing, but the white noise of a fan knocks us right out, so maybe it’ll also work for a baby. Now go forth, get your fan, and have a wonderful, safe night’s sleep!