From The Confessional: 'My MIL Is A Passive Aggressive Narcissist'
17 parents anonymously share what’s on their minds

Peer into a parent’s brain at any given moment, and you’ll probably find a grab bag of different stresses, including but certainly not limited to guilt, work worries, in-law annoyances, and the complex logistics of running a full-time kids’ chauffeur service. Reading the Scary Mommy Confessional is like that multiplied by a hundred. Here’s what’s on 17 anonymous readers’ minds this week.
Scary Mommy Confessions are a tried-and-true part of what makes our site so fun. If you want to anonymously confess, please tell all through the link here. And if you want to browse past Confessions, head here.
I’m pregnant and we are not telling family for 6+ months
Confessional #61938476
My husband is a better parent than me.
Confessional #62718288
If we'd had any more children I'm certain either our marriage, our finances, or our sanity would not have survived - possibly all three.
Confessional #68782987
I love being a mom but hated being pregnant.
Confessional #61829387
I’m staying in my marriage for the kids
Confessional #61829387
I hate that family who provide zero support, not even phone calls, are pressuring us to have more than 1.
Confessional #61928376
I’m thinking about leaving my husband. I feel like an maid and not a partner
Confessional #61098372
I hate my mother in law. So much so I’ve come close to leaving my husband just to be done with her
Confessional #69828837
I’m leaving my husband. He will be completely blindsided but it’s the only way he won’t make me stay.
Confessional #61729923
I gifted a family calendar for Christmas and put in the wrong date for our kid’s bday 🤦🏻♀️
Confessional #61883765
I hate that I have to make Mother’s Day special for my MIL by hosting.What about me?
Confessional #67392837
I really want a 2nd kid but I don’t think I could mentally handle it 😢
Confessional #62839923
I wish you could take a break from being a “mom” just for a few hours
Confessional #62938837
I love when family takes my kid but have anxiety the whole time they’re gone.
Confessional #68237483
My MIL is a passive aggressive narcissist 😑
Confessional #61289398
My kids are very talented but attending all their extracurriculars is exhausting :(
Confessional #68098765
I feel so seen by all the other moms’ confessions I read. I wonder if I drunk typed them all
Confessional #61829928
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