
'My MIL Is Better Than My Own Mom!'

21 parents share what’s really on their minds

by Emma Coburn

There’s always plenty to talk about in the Scary Mommy Confessional, but this week, we heard a lot about relationships — those with partners, ex-partners, parents, friends, children... and of course, in-laws. Whether you’re wondering about having another baby, thinking about what the future could hold post-divorce, navigating tricky relationships with your (former) best friends, or just dreaming of a vacation completely alone, you’ll see below that there are others on the same page.

Scary Mommy Confessions are a tried-and-true part of what makes our site so fun. If you want to anonymously confess, please tell all through the link here. And if you want to browse past Confessions, head here.

I want a second baby but haven’t told my husband

Confessional #18265748

I’m already tired of taking care of my parents.

Confessional #18293847

I can’t stand my 4 year old niece

Confessional #12912839

I wouldn’t marry my husband again if I could do it over

Confessional #11239487

Most nights I can’t wait to escape to my room with my iPad and curl up in bed alone.

Confessional #19928374

Probably divorcing after worst holidays ever

Confessional #19287367

My husband and I separated yesterday. I feel so relieved!

Confessional #11284746

I’m jealous and bitter that other parents get help from family

Confessional #18726484

I just broke up with my bestie of 20 years. I tried last year and she said she’d do better. Nope!

Confessional #13112398

Having sex with my husband feels like a chore now

Confessional #13892876

I put my kids in childcare on my days off, so I can go running.

Confessional #12938745

I wanna go on a solo trip. No husband, no friends. ALONE.

Confessional #11221385

I’m so thankful the holidays are over. Vodka helped...

Confessional #19182783

If I could afford it I would get a divorce.

Confessional #18645378

I plan to start a business even though it may mean less time with the kids I love

Confessional #18445637

I play Nintendo while my kids are at school

Confessional #11219485

Sometimes I think about secretly removing my IUD to have a 3rd baby

Confessional #19878265

Didn’t know how much I liked being alone until I had kids


We spent so much money on this ski trip and I effing hate it

Confessional #12112394

I’m tired of carrying the family mental load and hubby not understanding

Confessional #19120394

My MIL is better than my own mom!

Confessional #12938764