This Grandma Transformed Her House In Preparation For Her Grandkids’ Visit In The Sweetest Video
"Can you tell that I am excited for my grandbabies to arrive?"

This woman is winning the Mother-In-Law Of The Year Award for her amazing hospitality and preparation for her son, his wife, and her six grandchildren. She tried her best to think of everything and anything that they would need (including special preferences from her daughter-in-law).
Kathy Eggers gave her TikTok users a tour of her house the evening before her family arrived. Needless to say, she was met with much praise.
“My grandbabies are coming in tonight. If you don't know, I have a son and daughter-in-law who live in Greenville and they have six babies. So they are leaving late so the kids will sleep,” she begins before showing how she set up their sleeping quarters in her home.
“I came up here and turned down all the beds for them. So they don't have to fool with that when they arrive. And they have twins that are one. So I've got them set up and ready with the blankies and their sheets and the baby monitor. And I have their space ready for when they get up tomorrow including a new read-aloud book for my little grandsons. And some new Christmas books for them to read tomorrow.”
Next, Eggers showed a fully stocked snack station along with individual jars for the kids to help themselves.
One of the biggest elements of Eggers’ video that TikTok users appreciated with her willingness to respect her daughter-in-law’s boundaries including buying stainless steel cups and dye-free foods because that is their personal preference.
“Their mom wants everything dye-free, which I totally agree with. So I ordered dye-free sprinkles. And I'm going to make Christmas cookies dye-free tomorrow!” she notes before taking her house tour outside where she has a sensory table ready for the kids plus a crafting corner.
“I have all these crafts ready for them for tomorrow. I have all these shapes cut out of cardboard. And we're going to do a shape stacking activity one day they're here. I've got triangles so that they can paint and do an art project. They can paint. They can do cardboard. They can do stickers ... I also have a lot of puzzles for one of the older ones to work on,” she shares.
“So, I think I'm ready. What do you think?”
TikTok responded in kind.
One user wrote, “To have this type of MIL is a dream”
Another said, “Hearing a mother in law respect her daughter in law’s parenting brings me to tears. So many of us will never get to experience that. Thank you.”
“Thank you for not only respecting her wishes like stainless steel cups and dye free but accommodating that in your home vs saying how crazy she is for wanting these things! That’s true love and support,” another wrote.
Imagine making that overnight drive with your six kids and showing up to this. As a mom, I think I would cry. This is how you make sure your kids (and in-laws) know you’re there for them! What an act of service. Go grandma!