school daze

This Mom’s Epic Rant About School Half-Days Is What We’re All Thinking

“It's causing me angina getting them out of the house only to have to then come pick up these a**holes within three hours.”

by Katie Garrity
Originally Published: 
A mom is going viral after venting about school administrations instituting half-days for school, no...
Jen Lottier / TikTok

School schedules are constantly keeping parents on their toes. Spirts weeks, PTO meetings, and weird half-days scattered throughout the year that make no sense and drive parents crazy. One mom on TikTok is calling for an end to the madness. No more half-days!

Jen Lottier recorded herself in her car, seemingly after a school drop-off, venting about school administrations instituting half-days for school, noting their often pointless nature.

“Could we give a quick minute for f**king half days? Why? Why are we doing this?” Lottier asked. “By the time it takes me to drag my kids out of their bed and shove them out the door...”

She continues, explaining that her kid’s school has two half days in a row, which makes little to no sense in her brain.

“Two [half days] this week! Why couldn't we just do that once for one full day? Who's doing the math? What math we doing here? What is it? Is it the amount of hours in or the amount of days I have to drag my kids here?” she asks.

“Because we know that they're not doing s**t for these two days, but yet it's causing me angina getting them out of the house only to have to then come pick up these a**holes within three hours.”

From the parents of a kid who is in half-day preschool, she’s not far off. By the time you get home and sit down, the alarm goes off to get back in the car and go pick them up. Three hours feels like three seconds.

“What s**t can I get done in three hours? I can't get nothing done. I'm circling my tail for at least an hour and a half at home. That's not a lie. What are we doing? Who can I talk to?” she jokes at the end.

Several TikTok users weighed in on Lottier’s thoughts about half-days, validating her frustrations.

“You can’t call them half days when they’re home at 11 freaking AM,” one user wrote.

“Where I live every single Wednesday the elementary schools get out at 1pm. It’s ridiculous. I loved it as a kid but as a parent it’s the devil!” another said.

One user said, “Hahaha for real. The bus driver always says to me on half days… see you in a few min. 😂 I’m like these half days are a joke and they get a lot now.”

Teachers who saw Lottier’s video tried to explain the reasoning behind half days and why some schools have multiple in a row.

“Honestly, it’s because kids only have to be at school until 12 to get the school paid. 2 days mean they don’t have to be made up for funding reasons,” one user explained.

“The school get credit if they are there so many hours a day so half equals school get full credit,” another said.

Well, that kind of explains it? Again, who do we talk to?

This article was originally published on