
This Daughter's Gift For Her Mom Changed The Entire Trajectory Of Her Life

She recognized all the sacrifices her mom had made.

by Katie Garrity
A woman is going viral for sharing the simple but thoughtful gift that the trajectory of her mom’s e...
Rachel Sevcik / TikTok

Stay-at-home moms have one of the hardest and most demanding jobs in the entire world. Dedicating your life to your kids, sacrificing goals and professional dreams to raise a family, that’s deep love, and of course, it’s also a huge privilege to be able to live comfortably and stay at home.

One woman on TikTok is going viral for recognizing the sacrifices her mom made for half of her life, for her and her siblings. With one simple but thoughtful gift, she changed the trajectory of her mom’s entire life.

“So growing up when people asked me what my mom did, I said she's a stay-at-home mom, which was a privilege and she is just the greatest mom,” Rachel Sevcik prefaced.

She goes on to say that, once she graduated, her mom officially became an empty-nester. That means, no more kids to take care of full-time. As her mom’s birthday approached, Sevcik wracked her brain, trying to come up with a present for her mom.

“It was her 52nd birthday, I think, and I was kind of scrambling. I didn't know when to get her for a gift,” she said. “So, I went to a little boutique. I got a sign that said “Try,” and I wrote a letter saying, ‘Mom, try. Whatever you've always wanted to and didn't because you were putting us first.”

Turns out, her mom always wanted to be a writer.

Since receiving the thoughtful gift from her daughter, Sevcik’s mom joined writers groups, published a short story, co-authored a book, and just finished her first book. She’s already hard at work on her second one.

She concludes, “She is turning 60 in about a month. And now when people ask me what my mom does, I say, ‘She's a writer.’”

The sweet notion of the video caught the attention of several TikTok users who were touched by the anecdote.

One user wrote, “This is beautiful. Motherhood is full of ‘seasons’ thank you for acknowledging that they change as your babies grow!! How thoughtful of you 💕”

Another wrote, “I’m incredibly impressed at you understanding the gravitas of all her sacrifices at just 18. The sign and note was an amazing gesture.”

Another echoed, “if my child wrote me a letter/sign saying "try. do whatever you wanted to after putting us first", I'd break down in tears🥺🥺”

One user related to Sevcik, noting she also had a stay at home mom who halted her life for the betterment of her family.

“This gives me all the feels, my mom is similar. Was an amazing stay at home mom of five kids for 20 years and then went back to work and is a BOSS!” they wrote.

One mom chimed in and said, “I’m a SAHM and wonder what I’ll do when my son is off to college. Anything I want I guess, but it is daunting. Thank you for encouraging her! ❤️”

It’s not a new idea that women have dreams and goals outside of motherhood, but especially in today’s world, trying to pursue a passion in the midst of messy motherhood can seem impossible. Just one little letter or recognition of appreciation could change a mom’s entire life. Call your mom!