This Mom's Spicy Hack To Producing More Breast Milk Is Going Viral
Your partner is going to *love* this hack.

When I was a new mom, I was an exclusive pumper. This meant that every few hours, I would connect my pump and try to get as much milk as I could to feed my daughter. I would do all the pumping tricks, like drinking tea and power pumping.
Eventually, my supply ran dry, and we switched to exclusive formula feeding. After watching a recent TikTok, there was another trick that I wish I would have tried — slutty pumping.
So, what exactly is slutty pumping? Well, it’s exactly like it sounds! One mom on TikTok says that having sex (and good sex) is the key to producing more breast milk!
What is slutty pumping?
Slutty pumping is when you have sex and then pump milk afterward. The act of sex is linked to producing more milk. TikTok mom, Melanie, shared how much more milk she produced after she slutty pumped.
“I usually only get two ounces in my left. I got four. I usually, I swear to God, get an ounce in my right. An ounce and a half. So I guess it really worked for my left side. And all together we got five and a half ounces. Slutty pumping does work!” she shared in her video.
In her caption, she explained further, noting, “Just try it and see. I’m a ‘just enougher’ so I’ll try anything, and this was on my list and I wish I would [of] done it sooner. Breastfeeding hack and win right here. 😂👏🏻😂 I know my man likes this hack. 😂”
In a follow-up video, she went more into how exactly she and her husband work together to make “slutty pumping” productive. She also includes one VERY IMPORTANT detail about slutty pumping and it’s a win for women everywhere. You must orgasm!
“Daddy just got home from work. So, we decided to try this out again, but for science,” she joked.
Does slutty pumping work?
“So, slutty pumping definitely works,” she continued. “So you do the deed, then you pump, and you're supposed to pump more, but the whole point is to get the whole thing done. You do the deed, then you pump, and you're supposed to pump more. But the whole point though is to make sure... he gets you done too, not just him. You too. That's how it works. You gotta catch the ‘O.’ You know what I'm saying?”
“So, this time I got three ounces on my right, three ounces on my left. That's a win! So all together we got six ounces. It works. This is my second time trying it.”
After her video went viral, serval TikTok users chimed in, sharing their own experiences with slutty pumping.
“I wish I knew this 16 and 14 years ago when I was pumping dust! Good for you mama,” one TikTok user said.
“I didn’t pump but my baby woke up like 10 minutes after and the flow was way more than normal,” another said.
One mom noted, “Hit the big O last night pumped this morning got a little over 8oz DOUBLE WIN!!! 🥰”
How does slutty pumping work?
As several people noted in the comment section on Melanie’s video, her extra production is most likely due to the release of oxytocin after she and her husband have sex. Oxytocin is a hormone released during breastfeeding that causes milk ejection. So, when even more oxytocin is being released you’re likely to produce more milk!
This is a win-win-win for everyone! Moms are feeling good about their milk production, your partner is getting laid, and the baby is getting fed! Here’s to slutty pumping!