Mom Goals

A Mom Shared Her Kids’ “Yes Day” And It’s So Much Fun

The wholesome, feel-good video of her kids getting their way for 24 hours went viral on TikTok.

This mom went viral on TikTok after her kids the ultimate "Yes Day" where they had $100 and could ch...

In 2021, Jennifer Garner starred in a movie called Yes Day, where she and her husband decide to give their three kids 24 hours to make the rules and do whatever they want (within reason). And after the movie came out, many parents took the film’s lead and had their own “Yes Day” with their kids.

One mom recently took her kids on a fun-filled “Yes Day” and shared the wholesome, joyous outcome on TikTok. The now-viral video is a great message about how sometimes it’s okay to flip the script and give our kids a taste of what it’s like to “be an adult” and do whatever you want, whenever you want. In fact, they might make pretty good choices — even if you get stuck in a silly outfit.

Parent Shannon aka @livingwithlady on TikTok illustrated just what a perfect “Yes Day” should look like. In the video, Shannon shows the day starting with a shot of one of Shannon’s sons coming downstairs, holding a blanket. For their “Yes Day,” the three kids have $100 total that they can use for whatever they choose.

First, Shannon let the kids choose her outfit for the day. While the kids started out with a promising look, they capped the outfit with a Flash mask. The boys then raided their dad’s side of the closet, dressing up in his clothes, followed by a $12.94 breakfast of donuts and juice. $2 was subtracted from the budget when the kids decided they wanted prizes from the gum ball machine at the grocery store.

The family spent the afternoon geocaching (interesting activity pick for kids!) and some time at the park — both totally free and totally outdoor options. They also hit up the dollar store followed by a trip to the movies, where they munched on popcorn and snacks.

After the movies, they headed for a game of mini golf and some arcade gaming playing before having a breakfast-for-dinner meal at home. Their “Yes Day” ended with a couple games on the basketball court (also free and outside — good job, kids!).

“Now I need a nap,” Shannon wrote in her caption on the video.

Her comment section was flooded with parents and non-parents alike who praised the mom for giving her kids such a wonderful day filled with core memories.

One user wrote that they loved the idea for memory making, but also applauded Shannon for including budgeting into the day, “OMG, what an awesome day of memories, and I love how you made the budget into a game of its own...”

“They loved it,” Shannon replied.

A few other users pointed out the heartwarming observation that, from the looks of the video, the kids just wanted to spend time with their mom. One user wrote, “They picked so many quality time things — love it!”

Another echoed, “My favorite [thing] about “yes days” are how it validates that your children really do value time spend with [you] more than money ...”

Some days, it is just so much easier to say “no” to our kids when we’re leading very busy lives, but on the occasions when we can make their dreams come true with mini golf, a trip to the park, and some solid quality time, why not?