
These Spider Coloring Pages Aren't For Arachnophobes!

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Spider coloring Pages
Steve Satushek/Getty Images

We’re all in agreement that spiders are super-cool, right? OK, so some people find them to be sort of scary. But the truth is, kids are often fascinated by creepy, crawly things. Spiders are no exception! We get it. While spiders move in unpredictable ways and often get a bad rap, they’re actually pretty neat. So, to honor these underappreciated creatures, we came up with some cute spider coloring pages. Bonus? We threw in a few interesting facts, too. We can’t promise these tidbits will make you love spiders, but your kids will dig the new information. Plus, you might surprise yourself and grow to appreciate these not-so-terrifying arachnids a little.

RELATED: Cute, Cool & Creepy Bug Toys To Keep Your Kids From “Bugging” You With The Real Thing

Besides, coloring is always fun. It’s a chill DIY kids activity, and let’s be real, sometimes that’s what Mama needs to distract her rambunctious offspring. And having coloring pages that match their interests certainly helps hold their attention. Once they’re sitting down with the crayons, the real magic begins! Just from those few quiet moments coloring, your kiddo is picking up all kinds of valuable skills. Sitting quietly in their seats and working on one activity at a time is a sign that they’re able to self-regulate. That’s a vital skill when it’s time to go to elementary school or advance to the next grade level.

So, print out these awesome (free) spider coloring pages, and let your kids go to town. After all, it’s educational. If you want to keep the coloring fun going, crawl right over to our caterpillar coloring pages, ladybug coloring pages, and butterfly coloring pages once your kiddo completes these.

Free Spider Coloring Pages

Spider No. 1

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Sometimes we confuse bugs and insects. While all insects are bugs, not all bugs can be insects. Case in point? The spider is an arachnid, not an insect. Insects have three body segments, but spiders only have two. Scorpions and ticks are also in the arachnid family. This spider also looks like it loves to boogie. The smallest spider in the world is called the patu marplesi. About 10 of them can fit on the tip of a pencil!

Spider No. 2

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While we tend to think all spiders are creepy, it’s worth noting that not all spiders are dangerous to humans. Though, spiders can be pretty great hunters. While many take the passive approach of waiting for bugs to land in their webs, some spiders hunt and attack. *shiver* Fun fact: When some tarantulas get mad, they throw tufts of their hair at their enemies to ward them off.

Spider No. 3

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We all know that mamas carry the weight of the world on their backs. That doesn’t stop with spiders — they can tote quite the load, too. And wolf spiders follow the baby-wearing trend. They carry their babies on their backs. C’mon, that is super-sweet! They can also run about two feet per second, which is both terrifying and impressive! And did you know that giant trapdoor spiders are similar to arachnids that lived more than 300 million years ago? They can be found in Asia and are more than four inches wide.

Spider No. 4

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Spiders have some pretty fascinating tricks. For instance, there’s a spider species called “raft spiders” that run across the surface of water. There are also grass spiders, which build their webs between blades of grass and use them to funnel down their dinner. Have you ever wondered where the word spider comes from? Well, it derives from the Old English word spithra which means spinner or “the one who spins thread.” Did you know spiders also have blue blood? Their oxygen is attached to hemocyanin, which is filled with copper.

Spider No. 5

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There are so many spiders in the world that rough estimates suggest you’re never more than three feet from a spider and that there are roughly thirty spiders in every house. But not in ours, right? Right?! And here’s a strange factoid: Some male spiders want to be eaten. Some will force themselves into the mouth of a female spider and if she spits him out, will keep doing so until he is eaten.

Spider No. 6

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If you’re looking for Peter Parker, you can skip the poles. Spiders are founds on every part of the planet — except the extreme Arctics around both the North Pole and the South Pole. Some spiders even masquerade as ants to walk among these bugs. They do this to eat them. Fun fact: Hummingbirds actually use the silk from spiders to fortify their own nests!

Spider No. 7

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Did you know that not all spiders use their silk for webs and hunting? The silk that spiders’ bodies produce gets released at the backend of their bodies, from an area called the “spinneret.” That silk can be used for webs that catch prey, yes. It can also use to create cocoons for their eggs and to pad their burrows. It all depends on the species of spider.

Spider No. 8

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No matter how a spider catches its prey, they all kill their food the same way. Spiders use their fangs to bite their victims and inject them with venom. That venom paralyzes the “meal,” making it easier for the spider to eat.

Spider No. 9

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In the human world, babies are born relatively helpless. Not spiders, though. Spiderlings hatch and are immediately capable of spinning webs, catching prey, and chowing down. Impressive!

Spider No. 10

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Ever wonder how spiders get their names? It comes from the Old English word spinnan. Translation: “to spin.”

Spider No. 11

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Can you guess how many spiders are in one hectare of grass? (Fun fact: A hectare is about 2.4 acres.) In a grass field in Sussex, scientists found more than 5.5 million spiders per hectare. That’s a lot of spiders!

Click here to print all of the spider coloring pages at once!

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