
Babywearing Shirts For Endless Snuggles And Skin-To-Skin Time

by Jill Layton
Originally Published: 
babywearing shirts

Babywearing shirts are exactly what newborn babies need to help them adjust to the big, weird world they were born into. Your newborn was safe and warm inside your womb for nine months, then all of a sudden they were literally pushed into an existence they weren’t expecting. It makes sense that they want to be near you at all times. (And vice versa.) Designed to keep your baby safe, cozy, and conveniently close for breastfeeding, babywearing shirts have a kangaroo-like pouch that holds the baby (similar to a ring sling, a type of baby carrier, but it’s also a shirt! We love a multi-purpose product) allowing for all the snuggles and skin-to-skin time, which can stimulate oxytocin and boost milk supply.

According to Julie Arvan, a postpartum doula and founder of the newborn carrier company Nesting Days, babywearing shirts can make this new adventure (a.k.a. parenthood) easier and much less scary for both baby and parents.

“There’s a reason newborns cry when you put them down: nature has equipped them to survive, and that means 24/7 care and attention in the ‘fourth trimester’ of their lives. That’s why newborns who are worn more cry less,” Arvan explains. “Skin-to-skin contact boosts oxytocin levels and this love hormone helps fight off the fear. Mom and Dad grow more confident and less scared too. Learning baby’s cues ‘by heart’ makes the whole adventure just a little easier. ”

What is a babywearing shirt?

Like we said, a babywearing shirt is literally a shirt that holds babies. It’s great for initial skin-to-skin contact for moms and dads (especially dads who don’t want to take their shirt off in the hospital), but can be worn on a daily basis as well. Not to be confused with a hands-free baby carrier that straps on or is wrapped over your clothes, babywearing shirts are actual shirts that come in different sizes. So, if you and your partner wear different sizes, there won’t be any babywearingsharing going on. Yup, that’s a word we just created, and you are welcome to use it any time you want.

Types of babywearing shirts

According to Arvan, there are two types of babywearing shirts: ones meant for lounging and ones that are designed for mobility. Shirts that are meant for sitting and lounging with your baby on your chest are non-weight bearing. Arvan says that these types of shirts are required to clearly state ‘This is a garment, not a baby carrier or sling. Always keep hold of baby while standing or moving around.’

“Shirts that are designed for moving allow the wearer to sit, stand, or walk around with the baby hands-free are weight-bearing, and function as a shirt and a carrier,” Arvan adds. “The maximum weight, depending on the brand, is designed for newborns up to 15-18 pounds which is typically about 4 months old. Most manufacturers include the caveat ‘Always keeping one hand on the baby when mobile, for extra safety’ as an extra precaution.”

Make sure to read the product description carefully before buying or using the product so you know exactly what you’re getting!

What is the best babywearing shirt?

The best babywearing shirts have super soft and comfortable fabric, allows skin-to-skin contact, and some even permit hands-free mobility for the parent (although keeping a hand on your little one is always the safest bet).

“Being able to move about freely with the baby safely on your chest, and to be hands-free, requires investing in a weight-bearing babywearing shirt. They cost a little more, but the ability to use both hands while babywearing is priceless: you can do household activities like laundry, work from home, tend to toddlers or older siblings, and more which makes it money well spent,” says Arvan.

Some babywearing shirts also allow breastfeeding, pumping, and bottle feeding without removal. Others have feet-in and feet-out options. There are TONS of options out there for parents (moms and dads alike) when it comes to babywearing shirts. Below you’ll find our favorites that are comfortable, stylish (as far as babywearing shirts go, we can only work with so much here), and will help you and your new little person bond.

Please note that most babywearing shirts do not meet carrier standards for hands-free carrying.

Best Babywearing Shirts

Skin-to-Skin Shirts for Dads

The best babywearing shirts for dads are ones that are comfortable for baby and father. Check out our top picks below.


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