
The 12 Best Off-Road Strollers For Adventurous Families

by Keri Pina
best off-road strollers

The best off-road strollers ensure a comfortable ride for both kids and parents. You might be tempted to use your basic tried-and-true stroller to brave some rough terrain, but that’s a really bad idea! Off-road and hiking strollers have completely different features than umbrella strollers or bassinet strollers.

What is an off-road stroller?

Off-road strollers can have a singular front wheel with locking capabilities to ensure a stable ride, and large, air-filled tires and suspension systems to absorb those bumps and jolts. Others have foam-filled tires for smooth rides on rough surfaces. Like most strollers, they have a 5-point harness system for safety, and some even have a hand brake for extra control. The best hiking strollers have features like an ergonomic handle and cup holders for you, so you can comfortably hit the trails with your baby in tow, plus storage space for all the supplies you could need if you find yourself a few miles from home.

When can you start using an off-road stroller?

When purchasing an off-road stroller, remember that most brands advise you don’t use them for rough terrain until your baby is about 6-12 months (or able to hold their head up, but still ask your pediatrician), so keep that in mind before you take your LO sprinting off the beaten path. But many of these options have the capability to attach an infant car seat (typically with the additional purchase of an adapter), so you could start strolling with your newborn as soon as you leave the hospital. Most options can hold kids up to 50 lbs, so you’ll likely get a good 4-5 years of use out of it.

So if you need the perfect stroller for a morning hike or just a brisk walk around Target (shopping counts as cardio!), here are the 12 best all-terrain strollers to keep you active and your kid comfortable.

Best Off-Road Strollers

Best Hiking Strollers

Best All Terrain Strollers