Super Parents

You’re your kid’s hero every day, but sometimes when they hit you with “Mommy, my tummy feels funny,” it helps to have smart resources at your fingertips. Welcome to Super Parents, where you can find tips for fighting off colds, sleep disruption, and stomach upset like the Super Parent you are.

Tummy Troubles

ByUna LaMarche

7 Tried-And-True Remedies For Settling Your Child’s Upset Stomach


How To Be A Super Parent When Your Kid Says, “My Tummy Hurts”

First step: Diagnose the problem.


The Secret To Fixing Your Child's Upset Tummy

Vomiting and diarrhea happen - for toddlers, more often than any of us would care to to admit. So when they do have a stomach bug and are feeling bad, a quick recovery is the obvious goal.


Are The Stomach Bug Comfort Foods You're Giving Your Kid Helping Or Hurting?

As it turns out, ginger ale is on the no-fly list when a GI virus hits.


How To Get Rid Of A Tummy Ache In Kids And Toddlers

As consistent as it is mysterious, the tummy ache is one of the most common complaints parents have to troubleshoot with their children. With any number of causes, it can be tough for parents to differentiate between a toddler tummy ache that will pass and one that requires medical attention.

Sleep Troubles

ByUna LaMarche

The Chillest Bedtime Routine For Getting Your High-Spirited Child To Wind Down

A consistent bedtime ritual will help prime your kiddo for sleep both physically and mentally.


7 Ways To Set Your Kid Up For A Solid Night’s Sleep (So You Can Sleep Too)

4 Ways to Succeed at Putting the Kids to Bed When It's Not Your Job

Parents tend to fall into habits and roles. Dad makes dinner and handles bath time. Mom makes breakfast and gets the kid dressed. Over time, this allows for caregivers to develop expertise and for kids to enjoy the comfort of routine.


How Many Hours Of Sleep Do Teens Need? Probably More Than You Think

If your teen sleeps till noon every day, well, that’s pretty normal. Here’s what experts say on the subject.

7 Bedtime Rituals For Kids That Actually Work

Too many parents dread the pre-bed hour. That's when your sweet, agreeable youngster goes from a bundle of joy to holy terror, and you spend the better part of 60 minutes cajoling, begging, and admonishing then to climb in bed - and stay there. It doesn't have to be this way.

Cough & Cold

ByUna LaMarche

The Super Parent’s 5-Step Feel-Better Bedtime Routine For A Kiddo With A Cold

This routine will literally and figuratively get you through the night.


9 Moments You Didn’t Realize You Were Your Child’s Hero


Here's How To Keep Your Baby Safe When Their Older Sibling Is Sick

Having big kids and a baby at the same time is a balancing act - especially during cold and flu season when older kids are exposed to heaps of germs at school. You want to keep your baby safe, but should you separate your baby from your germ-ridden kids?

Expert Advice

What Does A COVID Cough Sound Like?

Here's how to know whether that cough is COVID-related or caused by something else.


How To Stop Constant Coughing In Children: Medicines & Home Remedies

Whether your child has a persistent cough, dry cough, wheezing cough, wet cough, etc., here's how to treat them at home, and when to visit a doctor