Talbots Celebrates All Women With #BecauseImALady Campaign

The popular women’s clothing store, Talbots, recently launched a new campaign, Because I’m a Lady, and we are loving their message.
Not only is this company made up of 92% women, they are also unapologetic for showing what it means to be a modern lady and would like to “politely set the record straight.” And it’s about freaking time, wouldn’t you say?
Talbots Senior Vice President of Marketing Deborah Cavanagh tells Adweek, “We set out to bring light and dimension to the ongoing conversation of what it means to be a lady today. As a brand, we are challenging perceptions and social conventions, and illuminating universal themes and truths that connect with all women. Like fashion, which evolves over time, so must definitions and beliefs.”
Cavanagh adds, “This campaign pays homage to all of those fun, confident, funny, smart, bad-ass modern women who proudly call themselves ladies.”
Hell yes.
It’s 2017, we don’t need to apologize for being a woman, nor do we need to be sorry for redefining what it means to be a lady.
If someone calls us “bossy,” we should take it as a compliment. We have good leadership skills and know what we want. Owning the fact we are able to take charge and make things happen is a skill, and you would never hear a man apologizing for possessing this admirable quality.
We are busy. Sometimes that means taking a quick snooze in between an important meeting and running to get our kids. We know how to be efficient and get shit done.
Who hasn’t had a night when only the whole bottle of wine will do?
Our fantasies actually do include dining alone every once in a while. There is nothing we love more than the sound of silence paired with a juicy steak. We are confident enough to be our own dinner date.
And dancing in the car to our favorite music for no reason at all? Yes, please.
Laughing (like a lady) is always better when it includes snot and tears — so let it all out, ladies. We don’t need to hold back whether we are dancing around in our kitchen lip-syncing or asking for a well-deserved promotion.
And we certainly never need to apologize for these actions.
By further progressing their stance on accepting all women, regardless of age or size, Talbots doesn’t shy away from the reality that women still aren’t treated equally and how we are made to feel like we need to conform to outdated ideals of how women should carry themselves in order to succeed. Screw that, we deserve more, and Talbots is backing us up.
This campaign is needed, and it’s nice to see a brand unapologetically stand behind women. If I’m going to spend money, I’d like to spend it with a brand who freaking gets it. It empowers all women to be who and what they want and shows our sons what a strong woman looks like.
So join in the #BecauseImALady movement, and let’s define what a “lady” means for our damn selves.
This article was originally published on