Scary Mommy

Oct. 25, 2024

This Is Helpful

Serious Question: How Do You Clean Period Underwear?

Here’s how to treat your go-to period panties so they’ll last.


Yes, You've Got To Teach Your Kids How To Wash Themselves

Puberty will make your kid stink. Full stop.

Here We Go

What Are The Signs Your Kid Might Get Their First Period Soon-ish?

Prepare to put together a period kit! Here are some clues this milestone is close.

love me love me

I’ve Actually Learned So Much About Self-Love From My Skincare-Obsessed Tweens

Watching my kids start to carve out non-negotiable time for themselves every evening feels huge to me. It is huge.


Yes, You Should Talk To Your Cisgender Son About Periods

This conversation isn’t just for menstruating bodies.

hard pass

My Kid Looks Like A Teen & It Freaks Me Out

My 10-year-old son looks more like a teenager than a preteen.

truth time

The Nitty-Gritty 411 On Balls

Are you completely mystified by these hanging appendages? Don’t worry — we got you.

By Vanessa Kroll Bennett

Don’t Let Summer Start Without Having These Convos With Your Kids

Let’s set everybody up for success here, shall we?

Ariela Basson/Scary Mommy; Getty Images, Shutterstock, Penny, Stanley, Apple