
The New Wendy's Baconator Breakfast Sandwich Is The Best Way To Break Your Fast

by Katie Bingham-Smith
Courtesy of Katie Smith

I’ve always loved breakfast sandwiches. It’s my go-to when I want to splurge and I’ve tried every fast food, convenience store, and homemade variety out there. I prefer sausage over bacon (ever so slightly because they are both necessary in my life) and am well aware you can add bacon to a sausage sandwich, but I’ve always been a bit self conscious about doing that.

I mean, it’s one thing to ask for extra cheese or guac, and quite another to request meat on meat, you know what I’m saying?

But now, you don’t have to choose because there’s a new way to consume pork with a side of pork for breakfast at Wendy’s. And if your palate is anything like mine, it’s going to make your life better.

I love the Baconator burger from Wendy’s. I had my first one while I was pregnant with my third child on a Thursday afternoon and was back by Saturday for another one. Go with a shit ton of bacon or go home, right?

So, when I saw the commercial for the new Baconator breakfast sandwich I knew I’d like it. There’s bacon, there’s sausage, there’s egg, there’s cheese, and it’s all snuggled inside a shiny bun. (I love shiny things because it means they’ve been polished, buffed, or buttered.)

I tend to do my best work in the AM and I sped out the door extra early on Saturday morning so I’d have a clear head and could report back to you without leaving out any details.

I was starving and as soon I opened the package I was kind of sad it wasn’t as big as my head, but also pleased it was the perfect size as not to induce the meat sweats. You can always get seconds anyway.

Courtesy of Katie Smith

Right there in front of my eyes was a full-bodied meal. And oh, was the bun glistening just like in the commercial. It wasn’t greasy or soggy, just sparkling with flavor. This sandwich was thick and loaded with bacon. Good, sturdy bacon which was cooked perfectly. It’s not the kind of pale brown meat that turns to ash as soon as you touch it. These strips had the perfect hiding spots to catch the melted cheese.

You taste everything at first bite. The sausage patty is hardy and the same size as the bun which is good because who likes having to search for the sausage?

The egg was fluffy with lots of white and a large, well done (but not quite over-done) yolk, which is perfect according to me since I’m not a fan of runny eggs.

But the best thing about this sandwich was the thin layer Swiss cheese sauce on the top bun. Now, if you are like me you don’t like Swiss cheese and perhaps you just threw up in your mouth a little bit and want to break up with this breakfast before even trying it, hold the phone: Had I even known it came with the sauce, I would have asked for it without, but everything happens for a reason. I was meant to taste that cheese so I could open my mind and spread the good news.

Courtesy of Katie Smith

I’m here to tell you, that magical Swiss sauce was what made my taste buds alert the rest of my body dreams really do come true. It didn’t have a sharp taste like Swiss does. It was a thin, creamy layer that didn’t overpower. Its job was to accentuate the taste of the egg and the meat, which it did beautifully.

Who knew fast food could be so complex. I really should be a food critic.

I thought about saving some for my son– he loves sausage and bacon– but before I knew it, I put the last bite of meat and shiny bun in my mouth and figured bringing my kids back to try it would be a good excuse for me to get another one.

After I ate it, I went to the grocery store, cleaned my house, took a shower, and dragged my three kids around to do errands. My point is, I didn’t go into a food coma and want to take to the sofa the way I do sometimes when I’ve overdone it with pig meats and carbs. There was one night I ate three bacon dogs and it didn’t end well, but this was nothing like that.

But even if it was, I’d sacrifice myself to taste how wonderfully the meats, cheese, and sauce played together. So, if you’re looking for a new reason to get up in the morning, you now have it.

You are welcome.