10 Things That Will Make Your Weekday Mornings Easier (And More Fun)

Weekday mornings are the worst. Whether you are a SAHM, work at home or commute each day, mornings are the hell of motherhood. The carefree weekend is over and it’s back to the reality of getting up and facing work and school and all the other chaos life throws at us.
So why not make it more bearable with some of our favorite products?
1. “Listen” Coffee Mug
Our favorite mug is the first thing we grab because the need to get the coffee flowing in our veins as we yell at our kids to find their damn shoes is strong. We all know our favorite caffeinated beverages taste better in a sexy mug.
2. “One Strong Mother” Tote
We all need a place to out all our your crap like library books, snacks, permission slips, and that sweater or coat you know your kids will refuse to put on. There’s nothing like a nice tote to make it look like we have our shit together.
3. “Bad Hair Day” Hat
This is a must on days our hair is so rank dry shampoo or a messy bun just won’t cut it. Throw on a hat and some shades and your morning routine will allow you to stop for that latte before dropping the kids off at school.
4. Gobble Food Subscription
Save yourself time to worry about other things (like if your child is wearing underwear before you take them to school), and know dinner will be served tonight and you don’t have to remember to take out the meat to thaw before the day gets crazy and you forget. Again.
5. Kakookies
These are always great to have handy for those mornings you sleep in and can’t function. Not to mention they are good with that cup of coffee first thing and are good for you. Kakookies are vegan, and gluten free and well, cookies for breakfast? Hell yeah.
6. Initial Necklace
I have one of these necklaces with my three kids’ initials and wear it all the time. It’s special to me and there’s nothing like putting on a piece of jewelry quickly to give yourself a little pep in the morning. It’s also a sweet reminder of your little ones if you have to be away from them all day.
7. Your Favorite Scent
Yankee Candle
Aromatherapy is a great pick me up, and there is nothing like lighting these amazing candles first thing in the morning and letting the rotten, smelly trash and last night’s dishes be covered up by the scent. I light a candle every morning as soon as I get up, even if we are leaving in a hour and I’m telling you, it’s an instant mood-booster.
8. Straightening Brush
I love a good blowout, and I don’t know about you, but I’m not coordinated enough to handle that round brush and dry my hair nice and smooth like my hair dresser does. This Drybar brush is a life saver.
9. Dry Shampoo
There are so many good ones out there, but this is one of my favorites. Dry shampoo is a must and when I discovered I could wash my hair while my kids’ toast was toasting it changed my world.
10. Spanx Leggings
I didn’t realize Spanx made leggings, but as soon as I heard I couldn’t get my hands on a pair fast enough. They are definitely splurge-worthy. When you throw on an oversized, distressed sweatshirt and hat, you are ready to face the day.
See, the weekdays don’t have to be that bad. Okay, maybe that’s a lie — they can be pretty brutal but there’s something about getting a few items to make our mornings bearable that can take the edge off, that’s for damn sure.
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