Your 11 Week Old Baby's Development And Milestones

You officially have a 11 week old baby!
Your 11 Week Old Baby’s Development & Growth Milestones
By 11 weeks, both you and your baby have settled into a schedule of sorts. You’ve made it through the 6 week growth spurt aka the 6 week sleep regression, and you seem to have a handle on your tot’s eating and sleeping patterns. If you’re still not quite sure how much your baby should be eating, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has a guideline that can make it easier to follow. According to the AAP, most babies this age take in about 2.5 ounces of formula or breastmilk a day for every pound of body weight. As no baby is alike, it’s important to note that this can vary day to day, and baby to baby.
At 11 weeks old, most babies will still be spending most of their time in blissful sleep, catching some zzz’s for about 14 to 17 hours a day, in 2 to 4 hour stretches. For all the super sleep deprived parents out there, the good news is that this month is also when most babies start sleeping in longer stretches at night. They will still wake for feedings, however, because they love Cafe Mámá.
While all babies grow and gain weight at different rates, the CDC lists the average weight for a 10 week old boy at 12.6 pounds. That number is a little lower for girls, coming in at 11.5 pounds for 10 week old baby girls.
Your 11 Week Old Baby’s Physical, Social, And Cognitive Milestones
It’s hard to believe right now, but someday your baby will talk so much that you’ll marvel at his ability to cram that many words into a single breath. (And when you try to shut yourself in the bathroom for a few seconds of silence, he’ll talk through the door.) Even though he isn’t at that point yet, the foundation for all those future language skills is already being laid. You may feel like a weirdo for talking to someone who doesn’t talk back, but offering up a narrative whenever you’re doing something together will give his verbal abilities a head start. Just simple sentences like, “We’re going to get something to eat,” or “Mommy is changing your diaper,” or “HOW DOES ONE LITTLE PERSON PRODUCE THIS MUCH SHIT?!”
… Okay, maybe not that last one. But you get the idea. Talking is good – even if it’s just making conversation in a silly voice. “Parentese” is what experts call our tendency to stretch out vowels and speak in a high-pitched, singsong tone when we talk to babies (“Oooooh, you’re so cuuuuuuuute!”) – and babies prefer it to any other type of communication.
On a similar note, it’s never too early to start reading together. It’s beneficial for language development skills, too, but its benefits go far beyond that; baby will love to look at the bright pictures, it’s a great bonding experience, and it can be a fantastic way to wind things down before bedtime. (Not to mention it’s an activity that allows you to sit down and relax for a few minutes. SWEET!)
This article was originally published in 2015.
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Your 10 Week Old Baby’s Development And Milestones
Your 12 Week Old Baby’s Development And Milestones
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