
Women Are Marking Their Transition From Married To Single With Divorce Parties

by Katie Bingham-Smith
Originally Published: 

When I got divorced, I did a lot of things. I dyed my hair red. I got a new ring for my left hand. I went away for a spa weekend with my best girl. I had wild sex. I got a tattoo. And I cried every single day for a year.

But something was missing, and now I know what that something was — a big fucking bash where my divorced ass would invite all my besties, wear a tiara, and stuff my face with lavish food and sparkling wine.

Divorce parties are a thing, and women are signing their papers, then turning around and booking caterers, DJs, and celebrating the fact they are about to start the second chapter in their lives.

And you know what? It’s fucking brilliant.

It makes sense when you really think about it. Divorce leaves everyone shaking in its wake. It’s hard. It’s brutal. It makes people uncomfortable and not sure what to say to you when you run into you at the grocery store deli.

So why not shed some light on a horrible situation and start it off with a celebration — a celebration of you, your new life, and your new beginning?

According to Glamour, the trend is gaining in popularity and divorce parties aren’t just reserved for The Real Housewives anymore. “People now post photos on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter using the #divorceparty hashtag.”

I say hell yeah, there’s nothing wrong with indulging in some cake and having a mini-burger bar set up in your kitchen as you are trying to put the pieces of your life back together.

Some people are left blindsided by their divorce — maybe their spouse has cheated or suddenly left them — and, of course, they deserve to have a day where they feel like they are supported whether they want to drink wine and cry, or dance to ’90s hip-hop music into the next day.

And if you think this is as brilliant as we do, but you aren’t sure where to start and are in need of some ideas to throw your own divorce party, or want to throw on for a friend or sister, you must get your ass over to Pinterest, type in Divorce Party, and you will be met with a plethora of ideas.

You. Are. Welcome.

A divorce party can be a form of closure for many and a reminder to someone who is hurting (or really fucking relieved) of all the love and friendship they have surrounding them.

Every divorce has a tough road ahead of it. Some people have been struggling silently for years and throwing a soiree might just be the one thing that can catapult people to a happy place again and remind them how much they have in their life to be thankful for.

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