The 'Goonies' House Is For Sale, Pack Your Bags
Hey youuuu guyyyys, let’s all move to Astoria, Oregon.

If you’ve ever seen the 1985 cult film The Goonies, you probably remember the house where two of the main characters, Brand Walsh (played by Josh Brolin) and Mikey Walsh (Sean Astin), lived. Not only was the sprawling hilltop house with its wraparound porch memorable, it was also central to the plot.
And now, if you’re a just that big of a fan, the whole thing can be yours for an asking price of $1.65 million.
The house, which is located at 368 38th Street on the Pacific coastline in Astoria, Oregon, can be seen in snippets throughout the movie and is pivotal to the storyline. Brothers Brand and Mikey are trying to save the home from developers, but lack the funds to do so. An ensuing adventure gives them the chance to secure enough to keep their home, but I won’t spoil the end even though the movie is almost 40 years old.
More: The Life Lessons I Hope My Kids Learn From ‘The Goonies’
There’s already interest in the property, which has been owned by Sandi Preston since 2001. She’s now ready to downsize.
“We’ve heard from fans and we’re talking to real estate agents and buyers who have been pre-approved for a mortgage,” listing agent Jordan Miller of John L. Scott Real Estate told The Oregonian.
Preston says she used to let people tour the house when they stopped by — but stopped when some people damaged the property by trying to take things like a souvenir scrap of wallpaper. Now, the house is only open to visitors on the official Goonies Day, June 7.
If you’re thinking of buying though, be aware that having a famous house isn’t all fun and games. Hundreds of people visit the house at all hours, to the point where the city has restricted parking in the area and begged fans of the movie to stay off the dead end street and off of Preston’s property.
“There is someone here 24/7,” Preston told The Oregonian in 2013. “At midnight, I can still see flashlights.”
In 2015, the 30th anniversary of the movie, Preston temporarily put up tarps and closed the property because of the crowds.
Hm, not very appealing.
The house is 1,935 square feet, offering four bedrooms and two bathrooms across four levels. It’s been renovated since the movie and looks to be in pretty stellar shape. And check out that third-floor bedroom with sweeping ocean views!
For those who want to visit the Goonies mecca but don’t want to bother anyone, the Goonies Day organizers highly recommend viewing the home from a nearby perch, specifically, “from Columbia Baseball Field, the East Mooring Basin, or from the sidewalk to the east of Astor Elementary School, each located just a few blocks from the home.”
Sounds reasonable enough.
Who do they want to buy the home?
“My client is looking for a buyer who will love the property as much as she has for 21 years,” Miller told The Oregonian. “It’s up to the new owner to make it look like the movie if that’s their joy or keep the upgrades and restoration befitting one of the oldest houses in the first permanent American settlement west of the Rocky Mountains.”
Remember: It’s our time!