
What Is This Magical Firming Eye Cream Going Bonkers On TikTok?

by Katie Bingham-Smith
Originally Published: 
Scary Mommy and Peter Thomas Roth

Back in 2016, I went to Boston with my family. As we were walking around the city, a very nice man came up to me and asked me if I was a model. Which is funny — because it was his sales tactic to get me into his salon and try out this very expensive eye cream.

What’s even funnier is, I fell for his (very fake) charm and proceeded to sit there while he applied something under my eyes which made them feel very tight.

While I thought it worked really well on the lady sitting next to me, there wasn’t a huge difference in my under eye area because I don’t have a problem with bags (I have many other problems though, trust me), and so I finally had to tell him I didn’t want the $400 eye cream because I’d rather feed my family. He wasn’t happy with me, but I finally made it out of there, thanks to my three kids who started touching things.

So, when I saw this viral video on TikTok about the Peter Thomas Roth Eye Tightening cream it reminded me of that day, and of course, I had to do my research. First, you can buy this magic tightening cream for around fifty bucks. And after seeing the video, I thought for sure it was the exact same liquid gold they were selling at that shop in Boston for $400.

In this video you can see how the bags under this woman’s eye are completely taken away after she had the cream on the under eye for a few minutes.

This was one of those times I had to see for myself, so I ended up breaking down and ordering some to see what it could do for me and my face.

Here is what I found out.

This product does work. Like, really well.

The below picture is of my boyfriend who says he has had bags under his eye for a while now and really wanted to try it.

Katie Bingham-Smith

The eye on your left is without the cream, the eye on the right is about five minutes after we applied the cream.

I will tell you I ordered this elixir over a month ago and I just got it. That’s because it’s become so popular they are trying to keep up with the demand, but I’d say it was worth it.

So, if you want to get some of this in your hot little hands I’d say order it ASAFP.

After you apply it, you do have to wait about five minutes for it to work its magic, so keep that in mind. You also need to rub it in really, really well because it does leave a slight white residue on your skin if you don’t.

It feels tight, yet not uncomfortable. It kind of reminds me of when I get into the ocean and the salt water dries onto my skin.

Another issue you might run into is with your makeup, if you wear any. After using the eye cream, I noticed my makeup wasn’t blending as well as it normally does without it on. I had to look very closely because some spots under my eyes seemed a bit crusty. Or something.

However, after a few tries you get the hang of it and if you rub it in well and moisturize, you should be fine.

I put this on for the first time then went to the gym because I wanted to see if it would last through a sweaty session. While I wasn’t sweating buckets, I was perspiring, and it did last.

Peter Thomas Roth

With that being said, as soon as you swim, wash your face, or get caught in a rain storm, the eye cream will wash away — along with the tightness.

So, if you’re planning on going to a pool party and your ex is going to be there so you want to tighten up the under eye area, keep in mind it will be gone as soon as you take a dunk.

I’d say this lasts about six hours if you don’t get wet, so make sure you take it along with you if you want to keep those eyes taut, because it does wear off.

I’d definitely say this is a great product and worth the $50 — especially because you really don’t need a lot. One tub should last you a long time, and it’s a lot cheaper than going under the knife for an under-eye situation.

I see what all the hype is about, and why this company has been struggling to keep up with the demand. When I ordered it, they sent a few samples of other products to try and I was really excited about that. I figure if this under eye cream worked so well, I’m anxious to try the other things in their product line too.

This article was originally published on