
How To Write A Maid Of Honor Speech That'll Make Everyone's Mascara Run

by Brianne Hogan
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how to write a maid of honor speech
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Your best friend is getting married, and you’re super thrilled for her. As the maid of honor, you’re also pretty pumped for the wedding and all the fun events and activities that are to come. Of course, as the maid of honor, you’ll also have a slew of responsibilities that also includes delivering the maid of honor speech. While you might be excited about it, it’s perfectly normal to feel a little nervous about it too. How do you sum up your best friend marrying her other best friend in a five-minute speech that you must deliver in front of a bunch of people? If public speaking doesn’t make you anxious (and, um, lucky!), then the idea of writing your speech might still feel nerve-wrecking. Again, perfectly normal. Thankfully, we have some tips and advice on how to write a maid of honor speech that will alleviate your nerves and help you deliver a memorable speech. Don’t worry — you got this!

1. Give yourself plenty of time to write

Even if you consider yourself a good writer and/or a quick learner, it’s best to give yourself plenty of time to create your speech. You’ll have tons of responsibilities in the months ahead, so it’ll be easy for the speech to fall to the wayside. However, writing a speech at the last minute will definitely leave you feeling stressed. So get brainstorming and writing at least a month or two before the actual wedding.

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2. Explain who you are

It’s always a good idea to introduce yourself at the beginning of a speech. Who are you? How do you know the bride? Who is she to you? This might be a great moment to also include a personal anecdote about the first time you met her.

3. Tell a story about the bride and your friendship

Now this isn’t the best time to relay your keg-standing days but this is the time to get personal. What is your favorite memory about the bride? What has your friendship meant to you over these last years? What have you learned from her? What are your favorite qualities of hers? Provide examples. Maybe it’s her big heart and you recount the time she rescued an abandoned box of kittens. Keep it positive and gracious but don’t forget the funny. It’s okay to be funny! Include a funny anecdote or one of the bride’s silliest quirks.

4. Talk about the bride’s relationship with the groom

As one of the bride’s closest friends, you have some wonderful insight into her relationship with the groom. Here’s your chance to spill the tea. What was the first thing the bride told you when she met the groom? What was it like meeting him for the first time? Did the bride know that he was the One right away or did it take a little bit of nudging? If there’s a funny story here, definitely share it. Provide a window into their first months as a couple, and then you can tie it back to how their relationship has evolved. It doesn’t hurt to to talk about how their love has been inspiring to witness. Share some sweet moments that you were fortunate to be a part of.

Related: How To Write Memorable Wedding Vows Without Stressing Before The Big Day

5. Talk about the groom

He’s now part of your tribe! Talk him up. Tell a funny and/or touching story that exemplified for you that he definitely was “one of you” and “the One” for your best friend. Tell him now that you’re really happy and grateful to know him and that he’s a part of your lives.

6. End with a love quote or poem, and a toast

If there’s a special love quote or poem that resonates with the couple, share it at the end of your speech as a nice way to end it. Express your gratitude for being apart of their special day and thank whomever you think is worth mentioning. Cap it off with something short and sweet, but from the heart, to wish the new couple well. Then, ask the guests to raise their glasses in a toast for the happy couple.

7. How Long should a maid of honor speech be?

When it comes to length, it’s ideal to keep the maid of honor speech short and sweet. Just under seven minutes should do it, or you’ll start losing the interest of guests. And don’t forget that practice makes perfect! Rehearse it in front of some trusted friends — record it and send it via smart phone if you must — and be open to feedback. Ultimately, you want to make it about your best friend and her relationship to the groom. Keep it light and filled with love, and you’ll definitely make a memorable mark on their special day.

Related: How To Write A Best Man Speech That Will Elicit Laughs And Not Groans

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