The 10 Most Popular Dog Names Of 2023 Have Been Revealed...
And they’re full of baby names.

You did it! You finally caved to your kids’ constant pleas for a dog. And now that you’re adding a pup into the fold, you need a name for it. Just like choosing a name for a child, picking one for your pet can be a really fun process — especially when everyone in the family kicks in their ideas. But, also like naming a child, it’s easy to get stumped along the way (or find a name everyone frickin’ agrees on). A great starting point? Looking at the most popular dog names of 2023.
You might think that kid-steered names like Rainbow or Fido would dominate the list. But according to a new analysis of over 400,000 dog names compiled by national doggy daycare Camp Bow Wow, popular people names have taken over. In fact, six of the dog names on the list rank in the top 100 for babies in the United States. “Short names are helpful for getting your dog’s attention,” Camp Bow Wow advised in a statement. “A good rule of thumb is to stick to two syllables and avoid names that could sound like commands. For example, Clay is a cute name, but it may sound like ‘stay’ to a dog.”
So, whether you want to steer clear of trendy names or pluck one from the top of the pile, keep reading to find out the most popular picks for this year.
This Latin name meaning “moon” is Camp Bow Wow’s No. 1 most popular dog name for the second year running. Coincidentally, it ranks No. 11 in the U.S. for baby girl names.
This Italian diminutive of Isabella shouldn’t come as a shock on any name list — it’s pretty much been trending since Twilight hit the scene. Although it sits at No. 73 on the U.S. baby names chart, it scored second place for dog names.
Remember the German shepherd from All Dogs Go To Heaven? Good ol’ Charlie! This name, which ranks No. 50 for U.S. baby boy names, is a classic.
There’s something so fresh and fun about the name Daisy, which could explain why it’s so beloved for pups and babes — sitting at No. 4 of the most popular dog names and No. 134 for baby girls.
Ranking No. 147 in the U.S. top 1000 girl names, Lucy lands halfway down the top picks for pups. Meaning “light,” it has a ton of cultural connotations, from Lucy in Peanuts to Elton John’s “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds.”
This name, which means “barrel maker,” may not make the top five for dog names — or the top 100 for baby names (it’s No. 68) — but it’s super popular in Australia. So, maybe great for an Australian shepherd?
Max means “the greatest” and works for a female or male pup. So, what’s not to love?
Let’s be real: That dog is going to run your house. That makes this name of English origin, which means “law enforcer,” a fitting choice.
If you’re a ‘90s kid, you’ll forever associate this name with the 1986 movie The Adventures of Milo and Otis. Of course, in that movie, Milo is a cat with a dog BFF named Otis. Still, this name will always be a nostalgic option — after all, it was the name of Stanley’s dog in another ‘90s-era classic: The Mask.
It’s no surprise this old-fashioned name sits at No. 78 on the U.S. top names for baby girls list — it’s trended steadily in recent years, with celebs like Adam Sandler and Christina Applegate choosing it for their daughters. But, hey, it’s even more popular as a name for pups!