Here's To You

75 Sincere Mother's Day Messages To Melt Mom’s Heart

She’s the best!

by Team Scary Mommy
Originally Published: 
A mother and daughter embrace.
LaylaBird/Getty Images

There’s something so heartwarming about watching your mom, mother-in-law, grandmother, or a treasured mama in your life open up a heartfelt Mother’s Day card you’ve written for them. For everything they do for us and all the sacrifices they make, every day should be Mother’s Day if we’re being honest. But since it officially comes just once a year, it’s important to make them feel as special and beloved as they always make others feel. Of course, the enormity of that can easily psyche you out when it comes time to pen a Mother’s Day message. There’s such weight in choosing words that can come close to capturing what she means to your family. TBH, it’s probably not even possible — but you should still give it your best shot.

As her daughter, you know she’s fun, smart, unintentionally hilarious, and nurturing, to name a few attributes. In other words, the kind of parent anyone would be lucky to have! So, just in case words escape you, and you’re not sure what to say in your note, we’ve curated a list of the sweetest, kindest mother quotes and Mother’s Day messages. Bonus: If you didn't get a chance to pick something up for Mom, these words are basically the best DIY gift you can give.

Sentimental Mother’s Day Messages

  1. For all you’ve done, we should make every day Mother’s Day.
  2. No one can ever replace you in my heart, Mom — you will always be special.
  3. I hope to be a mother like you. Strong, loving, devoted, inspiring, wonderful, and cool.
  4. Your love, care, and affection always make me feel fortunate.
  5. My heart smiles when I think of all the things you do for me, our children, and our family.
  6. “Mothers are like glue, even when you don’t see them, they’re still holding the family together.” — Susan Gale
  7. The warmth and kindness of your heart make you more beautiful year after year.
  8. “Thank you” seems very small to say when I think of all the sacrifices you’ve made for me.
  9. Thank you for always being there for me.
  10. Like the sky, your love is always there for me — even when I don’t deserve its beauty. I love you, Mom.
  11. Mom, you have always inspired me to be a better person through your selflessness and service. The world is a better place because of you.
  12. “Youth fades; love droops, the leaves of friendship fall; a mother’s secret hope outlives them all.” — Oliver Wendell Holmes
  13. Behind every great kid is a great mom.
  14. I’m so grateful I didn’t fall far from the tree.
  15. I love you and wish you the best Mother’s Day.
  16. May you feel as special as you always make others feel.
  17. Thank you for laughing with us in the best of times and sticking with us through the worst of times.
  18. Mom, thank you for always being a shining example of what I wanted to be like when I grew up.
  19. Thank you for always being there for me through thick and thin. What would I do without you?
  20. Raising me took a lot of patience and strength. Thanks for hanging in there.
  21. Happy Mother’s Day to an in-law I couldn’t imagine my life without.
  22. Thanks for always being a pillar of strength to our family.
  23. Happy Mother’s Day to a woman who truly does it all. We love you.
  24. Thanks for making our home the happiest place to be. We love you like crazy.
  25. I’m so proud to be your child. With love, from the luckiest kid in the world.
  26. Happy Mother’s Day, Mom. I couldn’t do it all without you.
  27. Because of you, I am me. I love you, Mom.
  28. Because of you, our home is the setting of some of my happiest memories.
  29. Mom, you’ve created a legacy I will happily strive to uphold. Happy Mother’s Day.
  30. Although I hope you already know, my love for you just grows and grows.
  31. Home is where your mom is.
  32. I love you and I always will, no matter age or distance.
  33. I’m so proud to be your child.
  34. You make everything better, Mom.
  35. Happy Mother’s Day to someone who makes motherhood look easy (even though we all know it isn’t!).
  36. You always stood between me and that which might hurt me. Thank you for protecting my soul and spirit.
  37. Mamá, eres tan insustituible en mi vida. Este Día de la Madre, no les deseo nada más que amor y felicidad.
  38. “My mother was my first country, the first place I ever lived.” — Nayyirah Waheed
  39. Happy Mother’s Day to the center of our family’s universe, the pillar that keeps us grounded in love.
  40. You aren’t just the best mom; you’re my best friend. Thank you.

Cute and Funny Mother’s Day Messages

  1. Dear Mom, this Mother’s Day, you should know... you were right about everything.
  2. Moms are like buttons — they hold everything together.
  3. Happy Mother’s Day! I promise today I’ll clean up my room.
  4. Happy Mother’s Day from your favorite child.
  5. Dear Mom, I wouldn’t be here without you. Literally.
  6. Thank you for everything you do, including saving me thousands of dollars on therapy.
  7. Dear Mom, sorry for all the stupid stuff I did when I was younger.
  8. I love you and your super-long voicemails. Happy Mother’s Day!
  9. Happy Mother’s Day! Sorry I wrecked your vagina.
  10. You’re such an amazing mom. I should know, just look at how well I turned out!
  11. Mother: Someone who loves you unconditionally, even when you’re an askhole. Askhole: Someone who constantly asks for advice, yet always does the complete opposite of what you told them to do.
  12. “It’s not easy being a mother. If it was, fathers would do it.” — Dorothy, The Golden Girls
  13. Happy Mother’s Day to the person I know I can always call to see how long chicken lasts in the fridge.
  14. Dear Mom, may the only person pressing your buttons today be a masseuse.
  15. Thanks for putting up with my shit, Mom. Also, sorry I swear so much.
  16. Thanks for the genes that gave me these crazy good looks, Mom!
  17. Life doesn’t come with a manual; it comes with a mom. And I have the best mom-ual in the world.
  18. Happy Mother’s Day to a mom who deserves a much better celebration than I’m capable of pulling off without her.
  19. Happy Mother’s Day to someone who’s done a wonderful job raising her children and husband/wife/partner.
  20. Dear Mom, thanks for enduring my adolescent years. In return, I promise to always help you figure out how to use your electronics.

Mother’s Day Messages for Mothers-in-Law and Stepmoms

  1. Thank you for the love and kindness you’ve shown me all these years.
  2. One of the greatest days in my life was the day you became a part of it. So, I hope your day is just as special!
  3. I’m so grateful just to be in your orbit. Happy Mother’s Day!
  4. You’re everything that a daughter-in-law/stepdaughter could ask for in a mother-in-law/stepmom.
  5. Thank you for being the best bonus mom in the world. I love you big.
  6. You’ve made me feel like your own from the very beginning, and I’m so appreciative.
  7. Being a mom requires love, not DNA, and you’ve given me more love than I could have ever hoped for. Thank you.
  8. I’m so lucky to have you in my life!
  9. Thank you for spoiling me, even though you didn’t have to.
  10. You’ve been a second mom to me all these years, and I’ve cherished every minute.
  11. Your love has shaped me in so many ways. I hope you know how important the role you play in my life is.
  12. I won the mother-in-law/stepmom lottery when I got you.
  13. Our family simply wouldn’t work without you. Thank you for always being here!
  14. If there was ever an empty space in my heart, you filled it. Thank you for your unconditional love and support!
  15. Happy Mother’s Day to the person who taught me that being a mom is a state of mind — and heart.

Just remember, any message from you to the beloved moms in your life will be appreciated. You can never go wrong with a simple “thank you.”

This article was originally published on