hot take

Mom Sparks Debate After Asking People To Baby-Proof Their Homes Before Her Family Comes Over

Her hot take caused a stir on social media.

by Katie Garrity
Originally Published: 
One mom, Bri, posted on TikTok with an opinion she knew would ruffle some feathers on baby-proofing,...
@briknighttt / TikTok

There is honestly nothing more stressful that having to chase after your toddler at a family function where there are breakables around every corner. Moms can find it nearly impossible to make any sort of adult conversation happen when they’re constantly keeping watch on kids, making sure they don’t end up breaking something.

“Don’t touch that! No! Stop!” is just on a constant loop before you’re thinking, “Why the f*ck did we come here?”

This is especially draining when you finally give in to the constantly guilting and reminding from in-laws that you never go over to their house, bite the bullet and go, only to find that there is nothing for your kid to do or place to hang that is safe.

One mom, Bri, posted on TikTok with an opinion she knew would ruffle some feathers on baby-proofing, and she didn’t mean her own house.

“I'm going to be extremely relatable, or I'm going to sound like a bitch, okay?” she prefaces.

“If you make a big stink about us coming to your house and bringing our toddler and bringing all the stuff and traveling all the way to get to you and we are there, we show up and we are happy to be there, please for the love of God, if you didn't even try to baby proof that place...”

She vents about showing up to a family member’s home where nothing has been put away or baby proofed at all, and yet, she’s expected to keep her toddler in line.

She continued, “Then people are surprised when you like only stay for 20 minutes because your toddler is like running around a reeking literal havoc like he's got a glass figurine in one hand and like a handful of dirt in the other.”

Bri has a better, more sensible alternative to this clusterf*ck of a time, and says she would much rather just host any sort of get together.

“Like just come to us. We would love to have you over. Don’t make us come to your house and just wrestle our alligator the entire time.”

Her video shortly went viral, gaining her some followers who agreed with her opinion as well as some pretty intense naysayers who thought she would being totally unreasonable and selfish.

“It’s so exhausting ‘don’t touch, don’t touch, don’t touch’ and then your toddler has a meltdown because they basically can’t breathe,” one user related.

The OP replied, “THIIIIIIIS I would be mad if someone was constantly saying no to every single thing I wanted.”

Another wrote, “If small kids are coming over I’m moving everything glass on my whatnot stand to the top shelf. Guess I’m just CONSIDERATE 🤣.”

“It’s the worst. There’s nothing fun about being in a full blown state of panic the entire time you’re in someone else’s home,” another TikTok user said.

Other people were not so on board with Bri’s opinions on baby-proofing.

“Oh, babe… it’s my house 🤭,” one user wrote.

Another wrote, “4 kids here: it’s no one else job to change their house around for our arrival. Teach them young and if it’s too much effort, explain why you’d rather not.”

After receiving so much backlash, Bri made a follow-up video to clear some points up.

“First of all, we're talking about family. I explicitly said ‘family’ in my video. We're not talking about friends,” she says.

“So you, as a child free woman, I am not asking you to baby-proof your house. It is, however, perfectly reasonable for me to ask my grandma to move the giant jar of marbles off the coffee table if she really wants our 18 month old to come over and visit her.”

She also clapped back at the commenters who were giving her grief about not being a good enough parent, accusing her of not looking after her kids properly.

“Of course he needs to learn not to touch things and that some things are not for him because he is 18 months old and they have no logic in their bodies,” she explained. “It's going to take hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of times of redirecting him for him to learn that lesson and that is not going to happen in a visit at his grandma's house.”

“Our video also assumed that I just don't watch my child when I take him places and I expect other people to watch him for me, which absolutely could not be farther from the truth and that's definitely part of the reason why I got such nasty messages.”

After drilling her point home that she’s really speaking to in-laws and family who beg and plead to see their young relatives but do not make any sort of concerted effort to make their home comfortable for a young family, it makes a lot of sense — and seems totally reasonable.

This article was originally published on