brb, sobbing

The Mother's Lounge At The Pittsburgh International Airport Brought This Mom To Tears

This is why women are the best!

by Katie Garrity
A mom went viral after sharing what brought to tears while entering the mother’s nursing lounge at t...
Jenna Dillulio / TikTok

Flying with kids is no joke, especially solo and as a new mom who has to feed or pump during the travel day. Thankfully, in 2021, The FAM Act required all large and medium hub airports to provide a private, non-bathroom lactation space in each terminal building.

The law also requires airports to provide a baby changing table in one men's and one women's restroom in each terminal.

While there is nothing shameful about public breastfeeding, some moms needs space to pump milk or simply require a quiet spot with their kid, away from stimulation. The mother’s nursing room at one U.S. airport provided a room for moms to nurse with something even more special inside, provided by moms all over the country.

Jenna Dillulio was documenting her solo travel trip with her baby girl, hoping to conquer some anxiety and fears about traveling and flying, when she was brought to tears entering the mother’s room at the Pittsburgh International Airport.

“I took my daughter on our first solo trip recently,” Dillulio wrote in text overlay on the now-viral video. “I’m working on overcoming my fear of flying to be a good role model for her.”

After finding the mother’s room at the Pittsburgh airport, she was stunned by what she found inside.

“We just got into the nursing lounge in Pittsburgh. This is so emotional for me,” she says through tears. “There’s Post-Its, like, all over the walls with encouragement from mothers, traveling with their babies, and it is the sweetest thing I’ve ever seen ... and I needed it so much today.”

She then pans the wall, showing some of the sweet messages from other moms.

“You are the first love of your baby’s life. They heard your heart from the inside,” one note reads.

“You got this! See wasn’t so bad!” another said.

Another Post-It reads, “Go mama! We deserve to travel w/ our babies & make them food!”

As Dillulio pans the room as “Bigger Than The Whole Sky” by Taylor Swift plays in the background, creating one of the most heartfelt and tear-jerking TikTok videos.

She then wrote in text overlay, “Thank you Pittsburgh International Airport for honoring mothers and giving us this space to support one another.”

She also shared the experience on Instagram and wrote, “Ember and I had our first solo trip together. We stumbled across the mothers lounge at Pittsburgh International Airport and it was magical! The walls and door were covered in post-its with words of encouragement from other mothers that had passed through that room. It was beautiful. Women are amazing! Thank you @pitairport for honoring mothers and allowing to support each other in this unique way ❤️”

Fellow moms flooded Dillulio’s comment section on the video, sharing in the emotion felt by the OP.

“Mamas supporting mamas. How it should be. This is tough but we are strong 💕” one user wrote.

“Literally crying. I love this. We flew from atl to Seattle and I was so anxious. Would have loved to see something like this 😭,” another said.

Another said, “I would have lost it walking into that. This is the best best thing ever.”

The vulnerability and realness of women is what makes our sisterhood so powerful and special. There is no other type of person on the planet that can relate more to a new mom who’s anxious about flying than another mom who has been right there before.